badfic_manor Application

Oct 02, 2010 18:54

OOC Information:
Name/Alias: Lisa
Age: 21
E-Mail and MSN:
AIM: faysdarkangel
Personal LJ: yamihikari02

IC Information:

Character Name: Kaoru Hitachiin
Character Journal: cuteuketwin
Canon: Ouran High School Host Club (Manga Verse)
Point in Canon: Near the end of chapter 53
Age: 15

He doesn't really have anything that would count as an ability from the point he's taken from.

At first sight Kaoru acts like his brother as they are mischievous, smart-mouthed and arrogant to that, but when you look a lot closer at the two, Kaoru is in fact the more serious and is also the more rational thinker in situations when they are not together, as he can keep calm when they separate.

Unlike his brother he is more in-touch with his own feelings, so understands a bit of how he feels much sooner than his brother, he is also in-touch with feelings of the others around him, so he can understand how they are feeling, for example if his brother were to do something that would hurt the feelings of another person, Kaoru would try to fix it, by dressing up as Hikaru to apologise to said person.

If both he and his brother ever liked someone more than in a friendly manner, Kaoru would gladly take a step to the side for his brother, putting him first before himself, as he believes that this would help his brother become better. Because of this it shows that he is in fact aware of the people that are around him and not as closed off from the rest of the world as he would like people to believe he is.

Even with these personality traits he still is a little bit selfish like his brother, but most likely not as much. He also gets bored easily and likes to play around with people with his brother which they call ‘toys.’

Kaoru does seem to be considerate and deep down he still has the part of him that doesn’t want to let Hikaru go just yet, even if it is not on purpose.

Growing up with parents who are barely there, Kaoru along with his brother spent all their time alone with one another. The only person they had admired was a young maid that worked for them. One night the maid that they adored was trying to break into a safe that was within the mansion, the twins had gone to her while she was trying to break in. She was about to use a knife on them to ‘silence them’ when they showed her an alarm system they were carrying with them and asked to play a game with her. If they won the ‘Which one is Hikaru game’ then she could not get the code for the safe, but if she did guess right she was allowed the code to open it. She did not manage to figure out which twin was which and therefore did not get the code; instead they placed it inside their piggy bank where they believed it was safe before going to sleep for the night.

The burglar alarm went off sometime after they had fallen asleep and find out that the maid had managed to brake the piggy bank and take off with everything that was in the safe and while trying to escape Kaoru with his brother found her and before she disappeared she said to them that maybe no one will be able to tell the difference between the two.

This has always stuck with them as they grew up. Their attitude was there was the world that they live in and the world that held everyone else. They were always by themselves and never really talked to anyone, when girls tried to admit they liked one of them they would play horrible tricks on them.

It was not until they were in middle school that anything really started to change. One day in school Kaoru along with his brother was approached by a blond haired boy who was called Tamaki Suoh, or as they would call him idiot lord or mi’lord later on. He wanted them to join a club that he was going to set up after he joined the High School section of the school. They refused to right away, but soon agreed that they would, but only if he won a game of ‘Which one is Hikaru game.’

During the game Tamaki was allowed to try to figure out just who was Hikaru, but he was not allowed to just randomly guess, he needed to have a good reason for his choice. After a while though it got boring and gave up with it after a while, but in the end the idiot had gotten to Kaoru as well as his brother as they did join the Host Club and became known as the little devil type that used their closeness to attract customers.

It was not until Kaoru’s first year in High School where it all really began, when a girl called Haruhi came, accidentally to the Host Club, although he did not know that the he was really a she right away, but he learned at least before Tamaki did. Once Haruhi did join the host club, Kaoru pretty much helped with whatever plan Tamaki came up with to help people who were having problems.

Until one day, when he and his brother was bored and decided to have a large fight and pretend that it was real, which was very convincing and even got the club in trouble a couple of times because of them. They soon got what they originally wanted to do and that was to be able to visit Haruhi’s house when they could.

On a trip to Karuizawa, Kaoru first noticed about his brother and the way he acted around Haruhi when she was talking to one of her old friends, so what Kaoru did was for one to dress as his brother and went to apologized to the person who Hikaru had of insulted, but of course since Haruhi could tell the different knew it was Kaoru and asked, once the friend had left just why he did that, but Kaoru in the end simply asked Haruhi if she would like to go around the town with him the next day.
Growing up with parents who are barely there, Kaoru along with his brother spent all their time alone with one another. The only person they had admired was a young maid that worked for them. One night the maid that they adored was trying to break into a safe that was within the mansion, the twins had gone to her while she was trying to break in. She was about to use a knife on them to ‘silence them’ when they showed her an alarm system they were carrying with them and asked to play a game with her. If they won the ‘Which one is Hikaru game’ then she could not get the code for the safe, but if she did guess right she was allowed the code to open it. She did not manage to figure out which twin was which and therefore did not get the code; instead they placed it inside their piggy bank where they believed it was safe before going to sleep for the night.

The burglar alarm went off sometime after they had fallen asleep and find out that the maid had managed to brake the piggy bank and take off with everything that was in the safe and while trying to escape Kaoru with his brother found her and before she disappeared she said to them that maybe no one will be able to tell the difference between the two.

This has always stuck with them as they grew up. Their attitude was there was the world that they live in and the world that held everyone else. They were always by themselves and never really talked to anyone, when girls tried to admit they liked one of them they would play horrible tricks on them.

It was not until they were in middle school that anything really started to change. One day in school Kaoru along with his brother was approached by a blond haired boy who was called Tamaki Suoh, or as they would call him idiot lord or mi’lord later on. He wanted them to join a club that he was going to set up after he joined the High School section of the school. They refused to right away, but soon agreed that they would, but only if he won a game of ‘Which one is Hikaru game.’

During the game Tamaki was allowed to try to figure out just who was Hikaru, but he was not allowed to just randomly guess, he needed to have a good reason for his choice. After a while though it got boring and gave up with it after a while, but in the end the idiot had gotten to Kaoru as well as his brother as they did join the Host Club and became known as the little devil type that used their closeness to attract customers.

It was not until Kaoru’s first year in High School where it all really began, when a girl called Haruhi came, accidentally to the Host Club, although he did not know that the he was really a she right away, but he learned at least before Tamaki did. Once Haruhi did join the host club, Kaoru pretty much helped with whatever plan Tamaki came up with to help people who were having problems.

Until one day, when he and his brother was bored and decided to have a large fight and pretend that it was real, which was very convincing and even got the club in trouble a couple of times because of them. They soon got what they originally wanted to do and that was to be able to visit Haruhi’s house when they could.

On a trip to Karuizawa, Kaoru first noticed about his brother and the way he acted around Haruhi when she was talking to one of her old friends, so what Kaoru did was for one to dress as his brother and went to apologized to the person who Hikaru had of insulted, but of course since Haruhi could tell the different knew it was Kaoru and asked, once the friend had left just why he did that, but Kaoru in the end simply asked Haruhi if she would like to go around the town with him the next day.

The next day, the day of the outing between him and Haruhi, he pretended to have a cold from sleeping on the floor the night before and asked Hikaru to go in his place, which his brother did agreed with. At some point before the ‘date’ Kaoru went to Haruhi and helped her get ready, this was before getting Hikaru to agree with meet her there and take her out for the day.

Kaoru got the other hosts to help him follow them both, while in disguises, but still had to hide whenever they nearly looked in their direction. Kaoru explain to the others why he did this, so that his brother can find more people that matter, rather than just himself as well as learn about personal interactions.

Though his reasons for following them was because it’s more fun that way and that it’s not fair that Hikaru is the only one that gets to be with Haruhi, even though he knows why he did it in the first place.

Whenever someone tried to interfere Kaoru had to try to stop them and if someone tried to get involved things got sorted out, but eventually they all went home to leave them alone for the remainder. The turnout was not exactly what he had thought would happen, but at least it was something.

It was some time before Kaoru would do much to be able to help his brother again, but before that Kaoru had gone to see Honey and talked about possibly destroying everything, but Honey then asked him what he wanted, instead of what others wanted. Kaoru at the time did not know the answer for that question.

Kaoru knew how Hikaru felt for Haruhi and after seemingly being a little off, Hikaru confront him bout it and asked if it was because he liked Haruhi to. In the end it was a suggestion that Hikaru made that ended with Kaoru having a go at him.

This lead to Kaoru spending time with Haruhi while his brother did not since they weren’t on speaking terms at that moment, but after going on a date with Haruhi and kissing her on the cheek, he mentioned that he liked her, but he liked his brother more, thus putting Hikaru before himself also partially because he knew Haruhi did not think of him as anything more than a good friend.

When dropping off Haruhi after the date, she told him to have more faith in his brother, mention that Kaoru was kind, but also selfish and that by playing with peoples feelings he would find himself alone. With that in his head he went back to apologise to his brother, who was staying at Mori's house during the time Kaoru and he were fighting.

Kaoru went and when asked why he was there he kissed his brother on the cheek, saying it was in commemoration of his unrequited love. While talking Hikaru talked about Kaoru’s behavior and how you do not abuse people for his own convenience.

After a long talk and a hug with which Kaoru told his brother to do his best, in which afterwards he apologized to Honey and Mori for all the troubles they caused during this. Kaoru while walking home started saying things about what they would do and how things will be different from now on, adding that they have to expand their world in order for people to tell them apart.

The next day when waking up Kaoru found his brother not sleeping next to him. When he looked he found his brother in the bathroom, hair dyed a different color and he listened as Hikaru talked to him saying that Kaoru can do what he said he wanted, like sleeping in different rooms and the like, but that would not change the fact that they were twins.

Hikaru’s speech then went on about how they are twins and that it was an incredible gift and that they can instead of depending on each other, they can influence one another, this made Kaoru cry as Hikaru added that Kaoru  did not know that is why twins are born.

Kaoru went to school the next day and told Honey that he had not destroyed anything like he believed he had and that he really had not and he was happy for that.

The point I picked Kaoru up from is when after Honey , Kaoru and Hikaru hug, when Kaoru is saying good morning from out the window with his brother to Haruhi.

First Person Sample:
This model is a little backdated...

[The blackberry turns to video as a boy sits there staring at it.]

Though to be honest, I don't think I've actually seen a model like this, if I did I would certainly remember seeing it around.

[Looks around for a moment before looking back.]

Has anyone seen Hikaru? Or anyone... I don't reconize this place thinking about it and well... this isn't my room and I'm still wearing my school uniform.

[Camara turns around to show the clothes that he was wearing before Kaoru moves back to the camara.]

So if anyone can help me I'll be thankful.

Third Person Sample:
Leaning on the desk, pen in hand and eyes to the front of the class, Kaoru was thinking to himself, not really paying attention to what the topic was about during class especially since it wasn’t his best subject. Kaoru was too busy tapping the pen in his hand against his face while he was thinking, not really wanting to understand, just some ideas he had in his head from this morning in the car.

A smile passed by his lips for a brief moment before he snapped out of it, looking towards the front again, noticing that the teacher was looking at him. She had tried to ask him a question, but because he had zoned out he never heard it, so glancing over to his brother, he hoped that he had the answer already to help him.

He smiled as he noticed his brother secretly passing a note to him, which he quickly had taken before the teacher spotted them. The teacher had called Kaoru’s name again as he looked at her and at the same time opened the paper to look at what it said. “The answer is 112.”

The teacher looked at him for a moment, before turning her back to him and continued with her lesson. Kaoru glanced over at his brother once again and mouthed the world ‘Thank you’ and watched his brother before looking to the front again, dazing off into yet another day dream.

There are differences between the manga and anime, mainly the fact that the anime ending is completely different from the manga and that the manga continued on until recently as the anime stopped a while ago. 
There is also more development in the manga on Kaoru's character.

application, badfic_manor

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