yay everyone how are you? i'm boiling~~i understand the pain of my friends that live in tropical countries now it's been hot repeatedly in london the past few days and im suffering not good combi with my hayfever too i'm living though~~i went shopping with my friend and her little sister today they are big NEWS fans (baited into je fandom by me :D i'm proud lol) my friend got me a pressie wink up july issue with nino-cutie-miya on the front i squealed nice and loudly on the bus over the pink chain hotness of the boys XD anyway...
everyone is obviously buzzing about the news of concerts and the new album coming i'm dead excited! i ordered the le from yes asia i'm so happy it'll be shipped out the day i come back from china~~something to look forward too! 3 cds and a monster booklet! money well spent i say! which leads to my madness i wanted to go tokyo in the summer but due to my friend having all sorts of issues dont even want to go into it again it annoys me i'm not going now but with concert announcements should i be mad and go to tokyo? i'm thinking yes my dad said he'll fund my year so i might be using that money then work like an animal when i get back before my masters starts (and save so me and
roobes83 can go tokyo in the summer) there's someone i want to meet again (i wont mention in case she doesnt want to be named) so i might just go it would be amazing to see her again and to finally get to japan i'll try and get a ticket to Fukuoka and see the boys but if it's unsuccessful what can i do? i'll try again and again i put a request on
je_sales i doubt that's going to help me out though but it's worth trying i guess! there will always be idol shops and scalpers to try also i just have to think optimistically!~~even if i dont get it i can get some goods at least! yay \o/ i want to meet up with a few people too! my old friend from uni who came to study for first year film back 2 years ago i really want to see her and maybe even meet up with shinkai if he's not working on his new film~~i'm so excited thinking that i'll be going to tokyo! waa might be 3nd dream come true this year (1st being passing uni, 2nd going to hk) anyway guys take care and i hope school work isnt boggin people down too much enjoy the summer~~*kisses and hugs everyone* pimping the AWESOME OHMIYA KISS icon that cindy made (