6th nightmare - video/action

Dec 31, 2009 01:22

[There are drops of red on the white, white snow, leading up to where Road's half-sitting, half-lying down, somewhere at the edge of the forest.

There are scratches and bite marks up her arms and legs, her clothes torn, blood soaking through them. She isn't even moving, her face hidden in her arms.

Her direwolf is close by, whining and licking at some of the wounds, but even that doesn't get a reaction.]

((ooc: replies via network will take long to be answered, but the post is open for action as well. Lack of inhibitions meant she got sick of curbing her violent impulses and took it out on some monsters in the forest. Now she's just looking to be fussed over - Tyki-mun, she'd have warned him beforehand, just so you know.))


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