Current Mood:
Not going to work has it's perks. I don't have to come into contact with PEOPLE!! I know that shouldn't be a good thing, but in the state of mind I'm in right now it definitely is. I'm so sick of trying to fit into the world and understand people, especially when they lie, mislead, misunderstand and take me for granted. I can't even understand myself at the best of times. I most definitely don't seem to fit in anywhere, if the last three years of employment are anything to go by. The only thing that seems to be working out is my job at the LDD youth group. Not like it's hard though, I don't constantly feel like I have to prove myself. I can just turn up and 'be'. It seems to be working for now. I just wish I could get more hours doing that. Life would be sweet.
I've been living in a bubble for the last few days. My latest of a long list of hobbies is paper mache, which I think I could become very good at. The trouble with it is, I don't seem to be able to finish anything. I have had three projects on the go (with at least ten ideas I am itching to start, including an evil genius world globe with blinky lights, a huge vase and a robot). I need to finish at least one of the current projects before I start on a new one, if nothing else, for the few bits of space we have left in the flat, and for Cait's patient sanity. I have nearly finished one project, but the paintwork is crap. I'm not so good at painting. I have to get good, quickly, without money, but, how??? . . . grrrrrr! I also have to finish the treasure chest (project three) by Thursday, because it is being used as a prop at the youth group, and I, umm, sort of lied about how finished it was. . . There is nothing like an impossible deadline and a web of deceit to get me to pull my finger out. . .
The novelty of not having to go to work is slowly starting to diminish. I don't want to work, but I am getting bored. 300+ DVD's can only go so far, and I'm still feeling way to anti-social to venture outside. I job-hunted today, and will apply for some I found tomorrow. None of them are anything I am particularly enthusiastic about, but I have to try. I hate money. I wish for a money free utopia, where everything is shared and people can live to better themselves rather than worry about their situation in life. Bunnies and squirrels also talk in this utopia, in cute little squeaky voices. They bring me special magic chocolate that helps me stay young, fit and beautiful, and everyone can fly so there is no need for traffic. On the distant horizon a rainbow rises majestically from the ground and pretty, angel faced children dance over it with the pixies to visit the viking gods and listen to stories about when the world was flat, and giant purple sixteen legged creatures roamed the earth, calling to each other in their ancient forgotten language. . .
Damn, I can type this kind of crap for hours! Wonder if I could sell it? Surely someone would be stoned enough to think it was good. . .
Seeing as this post has lost any of the little point it had in the first place, I shall take my Utopian dream to bed and snuggle up with Cait on the new mattress we bought. Damn it's comfy! It has memory foam!!!