Oct 16, 2008 13:01




>Okay that was a bit dramatic,but i can't help it - BLEACH FREAKING OWNS MY SOUL!!!!

What brought this on,you ask? Well it's none other than the wonderful fact that the fillers are FINALLY over!
Don't get me wrong,they weren't so bad and it was nice to see Ichigo and Rukai work together again,but the villains were so stupid with the same cliché story: "Hello my name is Inigo Montoya Amagai Shusuke,you killed my father,prepare to die." (it's a Princess Bride reference if you don't get it,awsome movie btw) BOOOOORING.Have some creativity people!

Gimme a C
Gimme an A
Gimme a N
Gimme an O
Gimme a N


And you know what new canon episodes means - NEW OPENING AND ENDING,which i both ADORE!! The OP really reminds me of Asterisk,which is always a good thing and has adult Nel it in(yay I love Nel!) and the ED song is my fav at the moment!
I was of course sad to see the IchiRuki ending go (sigh it was so beautiful *cries*),but there's more IchiRuki where that came from - not only do we get a movie but also ANOTHER DUET!!!!YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! I freaking love Memories in the Rain and the seiyuus kick ass!Especially Ichigo's - Masakazu Morita.Which brings me to my icon.I bet you're wonering WTF is up with that icon and now I shall explain.
Yesterday my friend Lily,who is also Bleach obsessed,gave me a link for a video in for a convention with the Bleach seiyuus (i just know that's not the word in plural,whatever) called Bleach Soul Sonic.And it was so freaking cool,they were voicing the characters on air!!!I've always wanted to see them do that and see how they look like! I also searched for it on YouTube and found a bunch of videos from that convention.The host was Kon's seiyuu,he was so funny.
Sadly the only people who had exact voiced like their characters were Morita, Noriaki Sugiyama a.ka. Ishida (i fucking love him,his voice is so sexy!! ) Sado's and Hanatarou's seiyuu.I really have to learn their names.
Fumiko Orikasa (Rukia) sounded nothing like herself,but i guess it's to be expected - almost all japanese girls speak in a girly voice. Orihime's was preppy and girly like her character.Sado's really looked like the character,he was buff and had the same hairstyle! Also present were Renji's,Gin's,Komamura's and Yumichika's seiyuu.

I must say the actors were such cool people - both friendly and funny.Especially Morita! He was so energetic and loud,just like Ichigo and I was so pleasantly surprised that he was a huge Bleach fan! He even bleached his hair and dyed it orange!! And he was shouting "BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEACH" all the time just like me and my Bleach-obsessed friends!

Damn I really gotta go,ugh.

TO BE CONTINUED...after I finish my class.

P.S Damn it can't put an lj cut,grrrr.


That was the most BORING lecture i've ever been on,i don't even know why i went.I spent it drawing chibis( i looooove chibis!) of Rukia drawing Chappy and me who hangs itself from boredom.I'm evil,no? XD That's 2 hours of my life i'll never get back! [/dramatic] Oh well at least i was able to buy my textbook.

Now onto the good stuff!

I also found a video where the actors were playing the Bleach video game against each other! And Morita won against Gin and Renji - WEEEEW! I freaking love him so much right now! After that I went on Wikipedia for more info on him and i could not believe my eyes - he was a dubber fot the japanese HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL LMAO!!!!And he dubbed TROY of all people!!!And Fumiko dubbed GABRIELLA!!!!!IT'S FREAKING FATE PEOPLE!!!! I just had to see it for myself cause when I read it i was like "...Wut O_o " and lo and behold,it was actually on Youtube and yes it was Morita!!! And also Yumichika's seiyuu dubbed Ryan LOL

Lastly,i'm afraid there won't be an icon update very soon.I've made some but they're not enough and lately I just don't have the muse for making.I did make however a Death Note and Ichigo wallpaper,which turned out pretty good in my opinion.

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

orikasa fumiko, masakazu morita, seiyuu, noriaki sugiyama, bleach, bleach soul sonic

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