Erm..back again kinda

Apr 09, 2008 09:36

*looks at the date and whistles nervously* ya been,good?Yeah me too..
God I can't believe it's been *checks calendar* Holy shit 6 months?! I have so much to write about it's not even funny and I have no idea where to start.Lets see...

Well I have,of course,new fandoms (shocking I know) and they are both animes.Yep,i never thought I'd be into animes,but here I am.
I'm graduating in a month and a half and scared to death of my exams (for getting into university ),i really hope i pass them...My prom dress is almost ready(yay!) but i still have to buy shoes,a handbag,jewelry and whatnot.Because of the exams I probably won't update again for a while,but we'll see.

First of all ICONS! They're a lot I must say - 230!!!Damn my arm hurts from uploading them.
And then my thoughts on both Bleach and Naruto (hint - prepare for a veeeeeeeeery long post) Enjoy!

WARNING - Definitely not  dial-up friendly

Bleach [1-53]
Naruto [54-151]
Veronica Mars [152-203]
Kristen Bell [204-223]
One Tree Hill [224-230]



xxPlease creditxx
XXComments are lovexx



































Veronica Mars (yep,got obsessed with that too.I can't believe they canceled it!!)













Kristen Bell







One Tree Hill



It all started a few months ago when my friend Al was constantly annoying me saying I have to watch the anime Bleach.Actually her exact words were "YOU GOTTA WATCH BLEEEEEEEEACH!!!!!!!!" So after about a month of that I finally decided to give it a try and, well,I was instantly hooked. Seriously she's my witness,I just couldn't stop watching all day. The story is very interesting - about this boy Ichigo who can see ghosts (*insert i-see-dead-people joke here*) who becomes a shinigami (death god) with the help of this girl Rukia,who is also one.They fight hollows together and after a while she gets kidnapped and he goes to save her and stuff and the plot is really complicated to explain, so just google it or something :P The characters are awsome - my favourite are Ishida, Ichigo, Renji,Rukia,Yoruichi,Grimmjow,Matsumoto,Yachiru,Orihime,Urahara  and many more.
My favourite ships (oh boy here we go again) are


Seriously MEANT.TO.BE. They're such an unique couple,not your average hero and heroine(and thank god for that,it's so cliche) I freaking love their interaction.They bicker like an old married couple all the time,it's so cute :3 He went to Soul Society to save her and almost died for her for Pete's sake! I also love how Rukia is able to push his buttons and when he was depressed only she knew how to handle him (take that Orihime!) and she,well I'll just quote Ichigo "Thanks to you  I think..The rain has stopped.". Hear that? She stopped his everlasting rain inside [/metaphor] Ahhhh *melts* Oh and I also like the fact that their voice actors have a duet together called "Memories in the Rain" from the Bleach Beat Collection(which is awsome btw) and the lyrics are so shipper-ish ( i just know that's not a word) I shall seriously cry if they don't get together at some point and I want my IchiRuki reunion in Hueco Mundo like NOW!!!!
Ahem,next couple.


Come on,it OBVIOUS he likes her.I loved their interaction in SS and how he saved her and held her tight *swoons* and he broke his promise to his ass of a father just to go and save her,awww.Orihime really needs to open her eyes,cause honey - ARE YOU FREAKING BLIND?! I'd take him in a nanosecond,but that's besides the point.I mean he's very smart,sweet,a true gentleman,oh so hot and can sew, what more could you want?! He'd treat her like a princess i'm sure. Sadly I don't have high hopes for them (because of her freaking crush on Ichigo grrr ),but i'd be really happy if they do get together in the end - Uryuu needs some lovin' after all.


I'm not one to ship someone with more than one person,but this ship is just too cute.The fact that they're childhood friends really surprised me at the time,because I thought he hated her.But If anybody deserves Rukia( aside for Ichigo of course) it's dear Renji.He's such a sweetheart and so loyal to her and he's also willing to die for her (lucky bitch) So,even though i'm a hardcore IchiRuki shipper,if it happens I'll have no problem whatsoever.
Just please god no Ichihime! That's a no no *shudders*


I wasn't a fan of this couple at first because honestly I thought it was a crack paring.But lately i've warmed up to them(mostly because of Al,who is a huge shipper) and after re-watching some episodes it definitely seems plausible.


While I don't read the manga I know some things (typical,i'm such a spoiler w****) and right now they're showing a Urahara flashback(at least I think it's his) which I think is ok to read since it's a flashback ergo - no current spoilers.And OMG it's sooo interesting to see the old Gotei 13,which consisted mainly of vizards (wtf) and MOTHER OF ALL THAT IS HOLY Shinji,that vizard guy with the big ass smile was Aizen's CAPTAIN!!! I did NOT see that coming.Oh and Yoruichi appeared in the lastest chapter yahooo,she kicks ass!Urahara is such a sweetheart I wanna hug him.That little bitch Hiyori is really pissing me off,how dare she scream at him?He's your captain,SHUT THE HELL UP.

And last but not least BLEACH.OWNS.MY.SOUL.

Ok I have to confess.I had heard of it before I watched it but I thought It was a kiddy cartoon like Pokemon or something (no offence to the fans) Oh how wrong I was.After successfully getting obsessed with Bleach,again my friend Al told me to watch Naruto as well.And I watched the first 11 episodes,which were interesting yes,but didn't quite grab me.But when the Chuunin Exams started I was hooked,addicted,obsessed,pick an adjective. And again I started watching all day and I even watched most of the episodes on YouTube,cause I didn't have them on my computer.It was not very comfortable I must say,but i continued to watch like a madman..err woman. But they deleted the account right before episode 109(when Sasuke leaves) damn them!!! I also skipped the fillers cause my friend told me they were a waste of time.I only liked Hinata with the bugs arc cause it showed how she can kick ass and the coughNaruHinascenescough. I love the storyline and the characters! There's so many characters that i love!

I shall use my icons because i'm too lazy to make screen caps,nya.

Lets start with the main lovable,ramen-lover,future Hokage

Uzumaki Naruto

This boy is the most adorable thing ever.I really admire his courage and that despite being dead last and living alone he never,NEVER EVER gives up!And he also helps people realize the error of their ways - the little brat in the Zabuza arc, Haku, Neji, Gaara, Tsunade,partly Sasuke and much more.And he is gonna become the Hokage,DATTEBAYO!
Next is the handsome avenger we all hate to love and love to hate
Uchiha Sasuke

While he is indeed arrogant and rude and stuff,after learning his whole story and couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy and kinda understand his attitude.I mean if a had a freak like Itachi for a brother who kills the entire clan i'd be sulking too.Besides he's shown that he does in fact care for his teammates and i while i'm still angry at him for leaving (and almost killing Naruto) I can't seem to hate the guy.I just can't,damn you charming Uchiha you! And while we're on that subject !FANGIRL ALERT! he is soooo hot man!The true definition of tall,dark and handsome(Ishida is as well) and he's so cool! And the fact that his voice actor is Ishida's is just the icing of the cake.Ahem,you'll have to excuse my inner fangirl... I really really really really hope he returns to Konoha and makes little Uchiha babies with Sakura so I can have my beloved Team 7 again.I miss them sooooooooooooooo much!!!
Haruno Sakura

Okay I have to admit I didn't like her at first because she was super annoying and clingy and mean and didn' But after she cut her hair in the Forest of Death and stayed by Sasukes and Narutos side she began to grow on me.And after watching Naruto Shippuuden( especially episode 1-2 and when she fights Sasori) I was like "Yahooo go Sakura!Sakura rulez!" Yeah you get the picture.She is now one of my favourite characters.She freaking kicks ass! (literally)

(i really gotta make more icons of him)
COOLEST GUY EVER.I love him,he has that i-don't-care-about-anything expression,always coming up with lame excuses and reading Icha Icha Paradise that perv.I also like how he treats his team like his family,he's got a soft spot for them awwww.And I really wanna see him without his damn mask (ep 101 FTW!)

Since this post has gotten waay too long and I still have to write about the ships (be very afraid) I'll make this short and sweet:
Shikamaru (cool lazy-ass,his philosophy on life amazes and amuses me),Neji (hot genius),Hinata (cute pie,i love her!),Temari (girl power!) Gaara (grew a heart like the Grinch and is cool) Lee (he's cute and drunk!Lee is hilarious), Kiba and Akamaru (lovable and cool) and many more.
Ah and now ze ships:


They are my OTP! At first I didn't really like them as a couple because
1.I'm not usually into the whole "unrequired love" thing (see IchiHime,and no they are NOT he same and NaruSaku is NOT like IchiRuki,ya hear me??N-O,Nada,Zip,Zilch,Zero!) and 
2.I thought Sakuras fangirling was annoying(heh).The bridge scene though made me think that maybe her crush wasn't as shallow as I thought and then came the oh so wonderful FoD scene where he grasps her hand and falls into her arms I was like "AWWW" and of course TEH HUG - she was the only one to calm him and when he woke up he asked "Who did this to you?!" and beat the crap out of that guy (aw he cares!) I was completely sold.Then came the "not even you",Sakura trying to protect him from Gaara and Sasuke catching her from falling,hospital hug (he didn't protest!!) and of course the "Thank You" which only cemented it.
I always cry when I watch that scene - so hauntingly beautiful and angsty and sad.Oh well at least he had the decency to place her on the bench.I reaaaally want a flashback of that,just to see him carrying her,i'll surely be reduced to a puddle of goo.
I think Sakura is the only one that can make him happy after all he's been through and and vise versa,she is his future.And even if they don't get together(blasphemy!) in the end, i'd still ship and love them as a couple.


They are just too adorable for words! Hinata was the only person who never laughed at him,admired and always treated him nice unlike the others.He made her want to be stronger and prove herself to her father (which she did) And Naruto defended her honour against Neji,which that was very sweet and said that he liked people like her.He is in this state where he thinks that nobody has ever liked him,but we all know that's not true.And if he could just forget about his stupid crush on Sakura and open his eyes to Hinata I truly believe they'd be very happy together.I really hope they get together in the end!


Ha it's like they're already married and bicker all the time like an old married couple.Shikamaru is oh so totally whipped when he's around her.And let's face it,they probably the most canon pairing in Naruto after KurenaixAsuma.And I really don't see what the big deal is about ShikaIno.I can tolerate them in fan fiction,but other than that they make absolutely no sense,they have no romantic scenes.Where's the evidence?Anyway ShikaTema is awsome and you know it!

Current storyline - SPOILERS!!!YE BE WARNED!

In the anime the Reunion arc just ended *sigh* and there's a new opening,which is really good,the song is great and the thing with the bird is cool,they only show Sakura once though,What gives?And the filler villains have way too much screen time.The only problem is that the next episodes are probably filler with bits of canon.Ugh I hate fillers. First Bleach and now this?!Kill me now please.Some people say that the new filler villains are from the 2nd Shippuuden movie,but I'm not sure.

In the manga from what I know Itachi is maybe,sorta,kinda dead,i sure hope so!That f*cking bastard!And Tobi kidnaps Sasuke.Great,another "Rescue Sasuke arc" and damn we were so close to another reunion and Tobi just HAD to ruin it,didn't he.Sheesh.Bad boy Tobi,bad boy!!!

And there you have it.That concludes my thoughts (more like essay) on my new beloved fandoms,which I have a feeling I won't be forgetting for a loong time.


Sara is NOT DEAAAAAAAAD!!!!YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *throws confetti* There's still hope for my Panama wedding!(hey I can dream right?)I'm so so so so happy *squeeeee*

one tree hill, naruto, brooke davis, kristen bell, icons, bleach, wallpaper, veronica mars

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