Lost,Supernatural and Grey's Anatomy episode review

May 20, 2007 12:38

Ugh I really gotta update more often.As you can see I have yet another new header,of Sara.I just totally adore this photoshoot and had to make one!
And seriously what is it with all the shows I watched this week making me cry like a baby?!First Lost then Supernatural,then Grey's...Oh and I also have new icons - they'll be in the next post.

Lost 3x21 The Greatest Hits

What can I say about this episode other than FRELLING AWSOME?!?
I've never cried this much since I saw Do No Harm!!!(and that's saying something).I expected a bit more from the kiss scene but oh well,it was very sweet!I LOVED his "Greatest Hits" list and totally knew #1 would be Claire and the first time they met *squeee* I was so cute that he gave the ring to Aaron awww,but they left it there!I kept shouting "Get the ring you idiots!!".And his goodbye to Hurley totally broke my heart.I am SO relieved he didn't die but judging by the previews it doesn't look too good for him right now :(
Oh yeah,the other stuff - it surely will be interesing with the whole blowing up things and Danielle is back,yay!
I like how they decided to stop running and fight back.GO LOSTIES!It'll be one heck of a finale,can't wait!

Supernatural 2x22 All Hell Breaks Loose part 2

Show #2 that made me cry like a baby.
Totally ADORED the finale!Sammy is alive,wooohoooow.But poor Dean,he sold his soul for him and that bitch only gave him a year to live!ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!And we finally got TEH HUG *fangirl squeeeeee*  And Dean finally killed that son of a bitch YED (a.k.a Yellow Eyed Demon) with the Colt - you go Dean!Oh and Papa Winchester helped him,It was so great seeing him again.
Sammy though is definitly not the same,i think Evil!Sammy is in there too cause of the way he killed Jake(who totally deserved it but still.).And even YED said so.Ah,who cares - he's alive! *does happy dance*
And last but not least give - Jensen Ackles a freaking Emmy!!!Seriosly that boy can act ,I've never cried at the beginning of an episode but  that scene where he's looking at Sammy's body and taliking to him,gah broke my heart into a million pieces.I also liked the S1 parralel "We've got work to do." SWEET.

Oh and Carry On My Wayward Son kicks.ass.PERIOD.

Grey's Anatomy 3x25 season finale

Okay I haven't watched the whole episode but I saw some clips on youtube and I am REALLY PISSED.Shonda totally disappointed me.Serously?SEROUSLY?!
First of all - Burke leaving Christina at the altar WTF?!Why WHY WHYYY??They were such a good couple!And that scene where she's at their apartment and says "He's gone" and breaks down and Meredith holds her,ugh,another show that made me cry.
Second of all - MerDer.WHY THE HELL DID THEY BREAK UP?!They were so steady and in love this season,but nooo,they had to make Derek an ass and Meredith doubt they're relationship.*sigh*And yet another Meredith relative,enough is enough!It looks like they will be ANOTHER triangle,please god NO.
Also poor George funked the test,does that mean he won't be back?NOOOOO.
It just went downhillI'll still donwload the first episode of S4 but from then on we'll see...

Rant over.

episode review, grey's anatomy, supernatural, lost

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