Of woes and new fandoms

May 02, 2010 12:38

 Err, hi F-list, that I don't deserve. This past month has been a total nightmare university-wise and I really didn't feel like writing in here or doing anything. I pretty much failed almost all of my tests,but not because of the lack of trying, oh no. I studied a lot,but at the end of the day it didn't really matter. I hate when that happens... ( Read more... )

real life, bleach:anime, supernatural, the universe hates me, epic win, fuck fuckity fuck fuck, glee, alice, epic fail, woes, andrew lee potts, primeval, fangirl alert, shipper heaven

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hope_assassin May 2 2010, 10:21:51 UTC
Wow, sounds like you've really had quite the rough time. >< I'm sorry to hear that. I'll be crossing my fingers that there will be no more serious uni torture for you anymore. Dx That kind of torture is just the worst thing ever.

Just listening to you talking so enthusiastically about this makes me want to see it as well. xDDD I just might watch this series some of these days.

I wanna go watch How to Train Your Dragon in the theatre but I don't know if I'll be able to convince any of my friends to do that... Hmmm...


cutepoison89 May 2 2010, 11:44:57 UTC
Aw,thank you for the support Rally!It really means a lot *glomps*

Yay, i'm glad it sparks your interest :)

It's such a shame that we live so far from each other, i'd love to go and see it with you! I don't think i'll be able to convince my friends either.
Oh well, at least we have torrent sites, thank god.
I hope the stupid government leaves them alone, they should focus on catching real criminals instead of harmless people who only want to share entertainment.


hope_assassin May 2 2010, 13:46:33 UTC
But of course, m'dear~ *hugs*

It's really too bad you can't get your friends to agree to going. I'm sure it will be pretty awesome~ ^_^

Seriously speaking, downloading as much as we do is definitely against the law. Because all these shows and whatnot have author rights that are breached constantly in our torrent sites but, hmm, in our country people don't get nearly enough money to buy all their entertainment along with their food and necessities, so it really is too early to take down Arena and Zamunda. D:


cutepoison89 May 2 2010, 14:11:49 UTC
Yeah I get that, but Americans for example actually have money they can spend on these things and we don't. Personally ,i'd love to own an original copy of something be it music album or movie/tv show but they are just too damn expensive.

Btw,I'm reading this Dengeki Daisy manga right now, it's pretty good! And addicting XD


hope_assassin May 2 2010, 14:19:51 UTC
Yes, that's my point exactly as well. The pay people receive for their jobs here are just not enough to afford that kind of luxury like buying original albums and movies and whatnot. They should consider that before stopping the torrent downloading. Besides, it's not like they'll stop people from breaching the rights - there's no way they can shut down isohunt or btjunkie, for an instance, and people can still get the same things, pirated again, for free. xD

Ohhh! I'm really glad that you are! I hope you'll like it! It's the most awesome shoujo I've read in a while! ^_^


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