Too tired to think of anything witty

Nov 28, 2009 00:17

So i'm sick as a dog (that's a very weird English expression I must say o_0 ) and i'm on a butt load of medicine and have to drink some really nasty stuff. I'm literally drained and since I have no strength for anything other i'll be doing a meme.

Snagged this from satin999

1. My username is ______ because ______.

I have been using this nickname for a very long time,even my friends are fed up with it XD It comes from one of my favourite TV shows - Prison Break. It's actually the name of an episode from season 1. I thought it sounded cool so I decided to use it. And 89 is the year of my birth.

2. My name is _____ because ______.
Cvetina. I'm actually named after my grandpa Tincho and my grandma Canka. I guess it was a way to please them both. Which is why almost all of my relatives call me Tinche. At home my dad calls me Koniche,which I invented myself when I was a kid,I guess he liked it too ^_^

3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
"Hitohira No Hanabira"
It's a Bleach ED song by Stereo Pony. Now that I'm learning Japanese I should probably look up what the heck it means.
I'm also thinking of changing it,it's been like this forever.

4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
Friends. Cause I'm lame like that. I didn't even know I could change it <---- n00b

5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
Erza Scarlet <3 She's my newest girl crush. I just love feisty redheads like her who can kick everybody's ass! And the fact that she wears armor makes her even cooler!

And now back to the best remedy for anything - Disney movies <3 I just watched Up and it made me feel sad and happy at the same time.

P.s. If I feel better tomorrow I'll probably get back to making Fairy Tail icons. I'm quite pleased with this batch.

disney, real life, meme, icons, erza scarlet, sick

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