A Very Potter Musical

Sep 04, 2009 10:46

Last week I stumbled upon the most EPIC THING THE HARRY POTTER FANDOM HAS EVER CREATED!!! I'm talking,of course,about:

What can I say about it other than TOTALLY EFFIN AWESOME?! I mean I was really sceptical at first (like I am always) because Musical + Harry Potter did not sound good at all. Not to mention the band "Harry and The Potters" turned me off wizard rock for a lifetime *gag me* But I was pleasantly surprised that this musical was not only hilarious but the songs are quite good and I even downloaded them and listen to them all the time!

So let's meet the cast and their characters shall we? I'm in the mood for a good ole picspam.

Harry Potter - Darren Criss

"Beautiful? More like super mega foxy awesome hot!"

"Hey Cho,dance with me i'm Harry Potter,lets go!"

"You're cuter than a guinnie pig
Wanna take you up to Winnipeg

"Alright Cedric, why don't we FIIIIIIIND out what the lady has to say"

"My god I have to fight a goat?! I don't know If I can do that morally"

Ginny: "But wasn't the point of Spiderman 2 the fact that Peter and MJ could be together?"
Harry: "Yeah, but then there's Spiderman 3 where everything sucks and falls to SHIT!! And I don't want my life to be like Spiderman 3, I hated that movie!"

His Harry couldn't be more charming! He has this laid back attutude and is careless about everything,even when he has to face a dragon. AND he plays the guitar and sings really well! That earns a lot of points in my book.
I have to admit i'm crushing on Darren big time! He's very handsome and his voice just makes me melt...And he sings DISNEY songs,if that's not perfect I don't know what is! [/fangirl moment]

Isn't he cute? ^_^

And this CLIP is really cute. His reaction to people actually knowing and lyrics and singing along is priceless and so adorable,I just wanna hug him! Wish I was there,Americans get all the fun stuff...
Ron Weasley - Joey Richter

"Did somebody say Ron Weasley?"

"Accio double stuffed"

"That is a BOSS Zefron poster"

"God Hermione,why do you always have to be such a buzz kill?!"

"It's not that. It's Hermione. I can't get her out of my head and everytime I look at her I get these pangs in my chest and I just know it's her fault. That BITCH!"

Ron was really loveable and funny and just plain AWESOME! There were times where he was super adorable like when he was sulking because of Hermione and times where he acts all cool and collected and has these hilarious one liners.
Oh and Ron + Bigass chocolate = OTP

Hermione Granger - Bonnie Gruensen

"You're acting like Garfield on a Monday!"

"I maybe frumpy,but i'm super smart. Check out my grades,they're A's for a start"

Now,I love Emma Watson,but this is how Hermione should look like! Her hair and attitude are just spot on!
Girl's got some sass!

Draco Malfoy - Lauren Lopez

"DId someone say Draco Malfoy?"

"It's gonna be totally awesome!"

"Hogwarts has really gone to the dogs,luckly next year i'll be transfered to Pigfarts!"

"I can't go to Pigfarts,it's ON MARS!"

"Dumbledore? He's nothing like Rumbleroar. He's a LION who can TALK!"

"I want Hermione Granger...and a rocket ship!"

I know what you're thinking - "WTF,Draco is GIRL???" Yes he played by a girl,but she does an amazing job and is sooo funny! Especially when Draco rolls around on the floor all the and and is always talking about Pigfarts (snort).

Voldemort - Joe Walker

"Voldemort out,bitches"

"And i'm happy as a squirrel when I'm with Quirrel"

"You'd think killing people might make them like you,but it doesn't. I just makes people dead..."


"Id take my foot
My little foot
And with that foot
Oh, how Id start to shake

To dance again
Ive been waiting all these years
To dance again"

THIS MAN IS MY HERO!! The way he portrays Voldemort and how he does his voice is just EPICLY AWESOME!! The whole song "Dance Again" is ROLFLMAO worthy.
And this:

Ginny Weasley - Jamie Lyn Beatty

"Oh my Rowling!"
This is the only portrayal I didn't like. They make her out to be some brain damaged lunatic fangirl. Why the Ginny hate people?! Did she run over your dog or something? Didn't think so.
Nevertheless there is something really charming and cute about this Ginny,especially when she sings her "Harry" song - she has a great voice!

Severus Snape - Joe Moses

"AHHHH,GINGER" *runs away*

"No that's absuuuuurd"

"I'll be in the drawing room,painting a picture of the stupid looks on your faces"

"What the Devil is going on heeeere?!"

Whatever comes out from his mouth is utterly hilarious!

Albus Dumbledore

"What the HELL is a Hufflepuff?!"

"Did you know that here at Hogwarts we've got a hidden swimming pool?"

"Just kidding,i'll expell you if you call me Albus."
"Ooh,10 points to Dumbledore"

"Welcome welcome to Hogwarts,welcome hotties,nerds and tools"

"What would Zac Efron say at a time like this? WE'RE AAAALL IN THIIIIS TOGETHEEEER!"

He's a High School Musical and Zefron fanboy,nuff said.

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Really it's impossible for one to explain the epicness in words. So just go and watch it and bask in TEH AWESOMENESS! Happy viewing F-list!

geek out, totally awesome, harry potter, epic win, a very potter musical, picspam, epic lulz, pigfarts

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