May 27, 2004 02:34
so i usually always made fun of ppl. w/ internet journals, but oh well, what the hell.......
YaY! my brother is back fr: his class trip--- (i missed 'ya, kid.o!) & he brought me back this incredibly adorable hello.kitty purse! (sorry he beat 'ya 2it, vikki!) more STUFF that i totally NEED! i spent way 2much mone 2day @ the mills---- let's see............
$ 21 ~ Sanrio (i got a new planner... & a few other things (o: )
$ 8 ~ Old Navy (needed new black flip.flops!)
$ 54 ~ GUESS (they were having a majorsale!)
$ 48 ~ Etienne (it was a present 4my aunt)
$ 4 ~ Hollywood Video (dang- & i never even finished the movie)
$ 1 ~ Kroger (gotta love those snoopy fruit snacks!)
thank God 4graduation checks!!! which, by the way, i am depositing 2mrw after which i am going 2lock my check card in a safe & not take out ever again except once a week 4gas! ahh! seriously---- i have a major shopping problem (in addition 2my picture problem!) i wish i could figure out how 2put pics on this thing. oh well, maybe @ some point. okay nins... here's what went down w/ the madre: so i went 2go chill w/ richard ('ya know... the one that challenged 'ya in halo.... u met him @ graduation!) but NEwho..... so rich & i were chillen' in cool springs, right? we went & got some sushi (yummmmmmy!) then we rented *Gothika* (sp?) we were watching it @ his house (his mommy was home & besides, we're just friends NEways.. it's not like we would've been doing NEthing other than watching the dang movie! Oh.. & eating the obscene amt. of snoopy fruit snacks we got @ kroger) & mommy calls & is all "ahhh ya ya ya asan ka na?!?!" "bakit anjan ka?!" she freaks out 'cuz i'm watching a movie @ a boys house--- apparantly, i'm not modest & since i'm @ a guys house @ 10pm @ night, that automatically means i'm a slut, right? but yeh- she yelled @ me ab that. blah blah blah. i'm so sick of it here, kid.o... i love 'ya so much & all,but i'm seriously ready 2get the hell up outta this here APT. not that i'm all THAT psyched ab UTK... but mom drives me absolutely nuts!!!! i don't mind staying @ dad's, though. it was cool earlier 2day, though (b4 i spent the ridiculous amt. of money that i did....) bc i went out 2eat w/ tta poy & tta sally & t2 benji @ alabama bar in gril @ the mills. (ribs........ yummy! i discovered i'm REALLY not a fan of sweet potatoes, though.) NEwho, i had a job interview @ banana republic.... man, i really wish i worked on my "interviewing skills..." shone would be disappointed... but besides that-- that was my day! Fun stuff, huh?
But yeh--- i'm really, really happy you're back! We'll go over 2DBA soon.... my friend Jake wants 2come w/ us2... he's this junior boy who's obsessed w/ anime' also.. ya'll would get along, i think!
Hmmmmmmm.......... alright so things i learned (or re.learned) 2day:
1. Very few things last forever... so don't take NEthing
4granted....... EVER!!! (gotcha, kid.o!)
2. Kroger is way cooler than Harris Teeter!
3. Yanko is going 2school in LA! Cool!
4. It's not fun being un-prepared.
5. Richard's little doggy is named Nala!
6. Steven & Jessica... is it REALLY over???
7. man- i have 2go in2 wrk (@ Lenny's!) on friday! hmm.... maybe
eric will be working! (o:
alrighty---------- going 2bed now............. maybe!!! i like this no school thing! it's pretty fun!!!! oops! i 4got 2tell meghan g'nite, i love u, amen!!!! so that's 4u, girlie!!!! *mwuah*