bOred & tireD..

Mar 12, 2005 21:26 was ok lol..i finally got to go shopping..YeS..and i got a couple cute things...and a really cute new bathing suit from abercrombie lol but were gonna go back during spring break to get more stuff since we didnt have that much time..last nite i went to the strawberry festival w/ matt and sam and a bunch of other ppl and it was fun..yeah then tonite i was supposd to babysit jordan so i didnt plan anything but then i figured out his brother was home so i didnt have to so i had to stay home for nothing lol which sucks..but owell i got to do some of my projects for english since i have like 4 due next week..ya and tommorw idk what im doin.maybe sumthin w/ matt if he gets bac from fishing early...or maybe kaley idk yet..or just stay at home bored lol..ya well thats about it tommorrw is the last day of the festival which sucks..and tonite was the steer sale and i wanted to go but owell..well thats it im OuT pCE.  xO*   
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