Here is where it started, with a knife to the eye, bound and gagged.
What a durty boy! Watching boys pee....
Stoney are a durty boy!
Getting drunk....
More boys...
Good heavens, even more boys! He sure gets around....
Uh oh...what's this? He's in boobies?
Oh no! It's
juiceyjulie! Now he'll be all wet and sticky!
That's ok,
cleanassbrad will lick him clean, and get him ready for....
and ready to be eaten after he's stuff......
Look, a Stoney Maloney sandwich!
And now for a smoke...
Which he feels guilty for....
So what happens to Stoney Maloney?
Does he leave the US behind?
Does he become orange gravel in someone's driveway?
Stay tuned...