This weekend has definatly ranked in the top 3 of the Best Weekends
5:30am after only like 4 or 5 hrs of sleep got ready, made sure I had
everything etc.
7:00am was on the road, said bye to my bro stopped by mom's work let
her know I was leaving.
1:30-2:00pm Arrived in Louisville, Kentucky to
see Greg
2- 7ish watched some random shows.. got my ass handed to me in halo..
running riots was a common phrase (did I mention I was really tired)
ate a pp&j
7ish went out to eat with two good friends of Greg at
BW3's really nice couple- engaged. We got to watch competitive eating.
There was the tiny old guy who had 4 exchanges of 2lb plates of
spaghetti he whooped some ass!! then we proceded to play putt-putt...
where I didn't do too bad.. it was a close game.
1215pm arrived in Morehead to be greeted by Al
chatted a bit.. then we went to sleep round 130
1030am woke up and got ready
1ish ordered some pizza for lunch basically relaxed.. watched some
random stuff.
300 we were headed to his car to do something.. when chris (aka crunch)
called Al and invited us over to his place. So we get there and meet up
with Chris and another Chris (Crank from now on) who is insanely
crazy... but not worse then me ^_^ we played around with some halo for
a bit
700pm went out to eat with some of Al's friends.. then crunch, crank..
and I went back to crunch's place to play some more halo. well more
like crank and I were playing and crunch took it up the ass... he did
awesome in ctf tho, I'll give him that. We played some custom games
with a whole slew of people my best friend back home Shawn was playin
with us and we had like 16 people at one point... it was fun. we had to
boot some idiots and we discovered that the three of us (crunch, crank,
and I) should be on the same team... otherwise we're screwed when we
try and talk to our team... Oh and it was amazing on congulation.. I
drove the warthog, crank gunned (ctf) and he would jump out and get
their flag while I drove around the base a bit... then like a taxi
service I picked him up and away we went... unless we died...
So I am wired on caffeine and trash talkin even if Im playin shitty
(turn down the suck.. gosh fricken idiots) Then Al shows up for like 5
min and leaves Then comes my winning spree. It was like 11
or 12 and I think at this point I was jus playin on Crunch's account,
we were playing with enforcer in matchmaking team slayer. I was trash
talking like noo other.. it was hilarious and I was fricken
famazing!!11!! ... and crank was with me and mostly laughing at me I
think. I got capn's level up to like 17 from I think he started at like
12 or 13. Then some dumbass was on our team and had like 20 suicides
and we couldn't compete with that so we just went to the other team to
just kill us there was no point in trying to win he just kept killing
himself. So that brought him down to a 16... So we finally retired
around 4am.. crank and I decided to stop sucking at So I took
the two beds they took the couch _> >_< jk it
was the other way around.. lol
So we sleep til like nooner and we sit and chat til like 2.. then crank
and I go over to Al's to get my stuff where I thought I lost my cell
phone and searched for like 20 min.. it was basically where it should
be.. gosh fricken idiot... so we drive out to NKU talking on the ate at my first Fizzoli's! pretty good. we carpooled from a
TGI friday's... So he showed me around campus we broke into some
buildings and checked em Then he took me around town.. I
finally listened to my messages.. where I hear the guys spammed my
phone like crazy ( dun get signal in morehead)... so I called crunch
and spammed his ear.. muahahaha. He was tired tho.. not as much fun...
It was 7pm when we finally part ways.. I finally took some pics cause I
kinda forgot about it..
So this is crank and I! w00t
so we were talking on the way back Im in ohio by this time... and I run
out of gas.. on 75.. So I am like freaking out like no other cause my
car has stalled like 3 times before I got it off the highway. I am in
this lil town called like.. reading or something.. and my car is
running somehow.. and I have to search like 5 or 10 min before I found
a fricken gas station.. I was sooo freaking out "WTF what kind of town
doesn't have gas stations" So crank is waiting on some random exit to
see if I make it (thank you x's a million )
So I find one and it takes like $36 to fill er up... I am beginning to
wonder if my tank just keeps growing as it goes along (16.3 gal) wow.
So I basically talked to crank til my phone died... then I blared my
music.. and went between 80 and 90mph all the way home.
I got to LO jus before midnight. got home shortly after. Called up crank
once more to let him know I made it.. and his mom and brother were
picken on him awww they are funny.. and for some reason want to meet me
(prolly to hurt me). and finally.. I went to bed...
Discoveries This Weekend
- I am a hands-on, do-it-yourself kind of guy
- I have a bigger penis then everyone!
- I am not a slut... I am a manwhore...
- I have a bat if you have some balls
- Fuckin Chuck Norris!! Hellz ya!!
- If the driver of the warthog gets sniped... the wathog tends to stop
moving.. and no amount of yelling will get it to go
- Crank and I are gonna have some crazy times this year! It'll be
awesome! halo 24/7! oh and I guess he thinks Im pretty cool too!
Thanks guys, ur the best!