First time typing in my live journal. Let's see.. next week will be the first day of school, I am so excited and tomorrow I will go see what homeroom I'm in! Yay! I'm going to eigth grade, FYI. Today I was suppose to have a sleepover but
Stacia got pink eye.. and I didnt want to have it without my best friend, plus I hadn't gotten the chance to ask anyone else anyways, lol. I'm just hoping and praying that I will be in atleat one of
Stacia's classes. If not that, in the same pod. So anyways that's pretty much what I'm doing today, just thinking really. I called
Stacia yesterday.. but she was to sick to talk so I don't blame her for making up a lie saying she's about to go outside. So anyways I called
Sharif.. well she called me and we talked for a while. It was actually, I believe, the longest conversation I held with
Sharif on the phone ever, and without any long awkward pauses. That's what usual.. always happens on the phone with me and her. Wow I have a lot to catch you all up on but, I'm already tired of typing..