donuts 'n' hos

Sep 16, 2005 17:24

you want to know what I am curious about? i will tell you wether you want me to or not. Live journal is a place for me to vent a place that makes my close friends who I dont get to see as often as i would like, or some of them even at all. So why is it that someone who dislikes me chooses to read it so often? I mean come on, I have a decent chunck of free time every day when i am done with work before I go see Mike and even i am not going to waste my time on those I dislike so greatly. Whats the point..its jsut going to make me miserable, escpecailly knowing that I actually tried to damage someone feelings. That is genrally not a good person. Yeah I have made some mistakes i have broken some hearts but i try to pride myself in the fact I am generally a good person. Yes, i am not perfect and some people may disagree but I have never maliciously hurt someone...even if they deserved it. I geuss thats why i am who I am, the one that everyone is sticking up for instead of turning agaisnt. Somehow the ass that keeps posting is making me feel good about myself. I know that yeah sure I can stand to skim maybe a inch of my tummy, but it doesnt bother me, when it does I'll lose it, other then this person i haven't heard complaints. As for the overbite, you msut be mistaken $2000 in dental work fixed that. and as for clothes Ill wear whatever I damn well please if you dont like it dont look. i feel good about myself and thats what matters. And as of laltey my confidence is at a all time high. its a awesome feeling to know that commetns that would have killed how i feel about myself 6 months ago now are nothing more than something to roll my eyes at.thats all the energy I am expending on this asshole...and it still feels like too much. i save my energy for better things. on that note its been a long week at work, but we did win the football tournament so i get to dress down all week. yeah i like dressing up for work its a point, but at the same time at 7:30 am its nice to jsut grab my comfy jeans and a sweatshirt or sweater (its cold there) and not have to try to wiggle into nylons. ok but as I ws saying naptime is defintly now I have a busy weekend ahead of me full of awesome friends and good times.
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