(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 22:09

ok so i have some time before Mike gets here so its time for a quick update..well quick for me. Sooo last weekend was well...long. it started wendsday night at daily planet with Michael. we went there and i dont remeber much of it becuse I was drunk. Lets jsut say it did not go the way I wanted it to and we would have been better off nt even going out. Then it progressed to thursday. I got virtually no sleep the night before so i eplft work ealry using my sick time and went to thursday in the square with Mike (yes a differnt one then wendsday night), actually we didnt even get to the sqaure we jsut got to the after party on chippewa. So we started off at 67 west and then moved to Mcmonkeys and finally to sky bar. Great time got so see Luke which was awesome and we had a tlak which was nice but I was somewhat misinformed by him..good thing I didnt take his advice! skybar was awesome, i have never been there but I love the view of Buffalo from there, so amazing. So friday I had off from work and went to Mikes hosue once i crawled out of bed. and jsut hung outh there for a while and then he ahd people over. played three man for a while and jsut chiiled for a bit. Then saturday i woke up and went abck to hos house. Got all dressed up and made myself look hot, if not slighty bad ass (corsets do that for you) and we headed downtown. we went to 67 went where we strated off then headed over to level where I procceded to get smashed and tempt many of the guys there 9unlike my usual wallflower self..that's probally becuse i knew that mike thought i was hot tos i did to). Well we ended up being asked into the VIP room, which pissed off the guy that asked me becuse he basically sked me...not Mike. but we had a drink there and then headed over to sky bar and just danced for a while and then we went back to his house where I procceded to fall asleep. Sundy morning we woke up and he nad Mike #2 made breakfast (the most amazing french toast I have ever tasted) and then we watched Tv and lounged napping a little then we went outside where Mike #2 was helping Erin with her car and then we all sat around while Mike and Mike worked on the cavalier. then dinner, then i headed home to a very uspdet mom. then another week of work. This weekend was much more mellow. Friday i went to Mikes house where there was supposed to be a party but that kinda flopped, it was still cool got to see Annmarie, who is very cool. We get along really well and its nice to be making some female friends...I need that.eventually I elft and then saturday i went the peach festival parade with mom and dad and suzanne and then came home and crashed for alittle longer (3 hours of sleep is NOT enough) when i woke up i went to Mike's. Got a very intresting phone call which Mike # 2 took care of. i felt abd after and it got me a little upset so i helped the guys paint to actually do something and take my mind off of it becuse it wasnt my fault. it worke becuse by the time painting was done I was happier. made myslef a overstorng drink and after 3 sips i was buzzed. Went upstairs hung out woth mike for a little and then took a shower to get the pai off of me. Got dressed and we went to Pietro's for dinner. Wow...Mike ahs me impressed but this jsut did me in. probally one of the nicest places i hve been to (you gotta remeber I live in the ghetto, hell McDonalds is high class for msot people around here) a couple of bottles of wine and a AMAZING dinner later we were in a mellow mood. that was good but bad becuse we went to chipewwa but wenrt feeling it so after hitting sky bar and then level we left jsut kinda like OK that sucked. So then we wwent abck to his house and rashed till i ahd to leave. Today i have spedt cleaning. got a nice present of a dead mouse from my cat which was the msot disturbing thing EVER. Finsished cleaning (having a clean room is rather nice) and then went out with Mike (of course) we went to Boston Pizza over in canada. I could feel a heart attack coming on from the food but it was sooooo good. Then I procceded to kick his butt in ski-ball and air hockey, it was nice to win against someone for once. then we wlaked along by the falls jsut talking. then headed back to my house tlaked for a few more minutes then he elft ebcuse we both have to work in the am. ew i hate mondays, the whole week is ahead of you and you jsut wish it was the day before.
well I have to go its close to bedtime. night all
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