Jul 08, 2008 11:45
I'm legitimately sick, but I hate calling into work sick. Every time I have to do it I dither around for like an hour wondering if I should. Then I finally DO call and I feel like trash the rest of the day. I should be able to suck it up, I tell myself. If I could just control my body better, I could make the problem go away so I could go to work. So I wait and I wait and I hope and I baby myself until RIGHT BEFORE WORK when I decide yes, it's a lost battle, I don't want to be trying to tattoo someone when I have to stop every 15 minutes to run to the bathroom. So I call out right before work, when my client is potentially already there waiting for me, and I feel like shit. I hate being sick. Why couldn't this have happened a couple of days ago, when I was on vacation.