Apr 26, 2010 23:13
I should have never posted the link to this to my facebook. I got all these mean anonymous messages from things I wrote 4 years ago. can you really blame for something that I may have thought was true then. A lot happens in that amount of times. That also means that you spent all the time it takes to read my entire livejournal... I don't know how to take that. Its like that person was fishing for the right thing... I think I know who did it but I think we are good now so I am going to try and put it behind me.
I decided to read through all of my entries today after knowing someone else did. I am glad for where I am in my life now, because it sounds like I was VERY depressed person of the past. Maybe I only wrote for the bad times but they seemed to be many. I am a lot happier now. I still question things, mostly my motives for the past and why I did a lot of the things I did. There is nothing I can do about the past so I shouldn't really dwell on it, but I cant help but feel that way sometimes. What if's can make you crazy if you let them... and lately I have been thinking it way too much.
I dont like who I use to be. I was a mess and I needed more then anyone could give me. I can still be selfish like that... but it is less frequent and less alluring. Kyle has made big changes in me, whether he knows it or not. I am glad that it was him who did that, but I still cant help but wonder what would have happened if those changes had happened earlier in my life... where would I be now?
School is right where i want to be I love what I am doing but i cant wait until summer!!