Nov 28, 2012 21:10
ok that's not really it but tomorrow is first day back after 2 weeks off so I'm less than excited for the few thousand emails I'll need to sift through etc.
I did my benefits for 2013 on Monday and have 3 reviews to write and go over with those I am reviewing in the next few weeks. blech. oh and month end starts monday.
on a good note. Thanksgiving in FL was lovely. My sister only threw one hissy fit and of course it was AFTER the boyfriend left and it wasn't that dramatic. we walked 4-5 miles daily, went kayaking for 2 hours the last day Tyler was with us and saw cousins on the Wed before turkey day I swam a lot with Andrew (was used as a climbing gym in the water?) when we were visiting, he's 6 and definitely does not remember us from when they lived nearby. that's ok. we were besties by the end of the day.
got home and had some lovely? family time with nan and my mom's cousin. seriously Monday didn't come soon enough so I could escape to my condo and wait for my mattress. it's lovely. Autumn was supposed to come for a visit but it got delayed until today thanks to car trouble. I went to ikea on Tuesday and got my bedframe and most of the other bedroom furniture. Everything I purchased is together and in it's place in my room as of 7:30 this evening. parentals are in Bethesda til Sat afternoon (I dropped them this afternoon at logan) and I'm trying to convince olne of them to come down to ikea with me on Sunday to get the last item (and maybe a few other things???) I'm thinking if I get the tv stand then the next step is a TV.
and thus internets and phone and really a feeling of home starting to settle since I can begin mvoing other stuff over. I may stay on Friday afterwork just to try out my bed etc without worrying about waking up late or anything that might delay my arrival at work.
at least from here I know times to leave etc. still not sure on those from new house.
but it's slowly coming together. I really like it.