Sep 08, 2012 09:18
Submitted the offer.
it was accepted!!
they did say they'd take my offer (15k under asking) if I go "as is" post inspection. Talked to Dad and he agrees that there was nothing blatant that would need 15k of fixing so if they'll go for my price let's do it.
waiting for docs and such from Betsy to review. plus the name of an inspector so I can set that up for this week.
GAH. I'm excited and freaked out at the same time. Also mom is adorable as she bought me a toaster yesterday. I think she actually bought it for the kitchen and then decided b/c it was a steal and they accepted the offer to give it to me as my first house warming present.
So this weekend is a quiet one otherwise. I HAVE to finish the lawsuit doc and send that to the lawywer and then I think I might try and start sifting through stuff and boxing things up if I can. I will check with mom on the idea of putting stuff in my sister's room (she's not due home any time soon b/c she cannot fly with the broken leg) just to have a staging area. I have so many books and such that have no room on shelves that they are in piles all over the place. Just figure I'll get the collapsable boxes at staples and pack stuff that way. I remember that they are like 10-15 for a 6 pack so really that should help and it will be easy to work around.
but first the lawyer stuff. then the fun of house stuff. SO CRAZY AND AWESOME.
yarn ban in effect indefinitely starting NOW. (except that I need to get a skein or two of baby blue to make Kate something for Pete that isn't hand wash, and I still owe Bri a blanket but I'm having color issues).
my own place. finally.