i will keep waiting, i'll be waiting for you....

Sep 28, 2006 00:45

So today was faboo. I love spending time with the people I love. Matt and I had a fabulous shopping adventure, and we went to the psychic, Band was good tonight, Emily K called me too. I looooooooove her and miss her.

Here's the recap of my pshycic adventure, (mostly so i can remember what she said!) [her name is rachel at the boston tea room, and she's fab.]

about my palm, she said that i have a really really REALLY long life line, and that it doesn't look like i'm going to have any major health problems. she said she was so excited to see that i'll start traveling and move out of state in my late 50's/early 60's, because that means i'll be still feeling great then. she said that i had strife lines crossing in my early 20's, basically around now, and she said she could tell that i've been dealing with alot emotionally right now. but it gets better by 21, and as soon as i get rid of some baggage, i'm breaking down baracades and 21-27 is going to be a giant party. she said that i am a very emotional person, by my hand, and that she could tell i have a hard time letting go of people and situations. she told me that i will get married in my late 20's, most likely 27, and that there are two children that i am supposed to bring into the world, but they won't be the only ones i take care of. (she said meaning adoption) she said that at 40 i would have something that will be an obstacle but it will be easily solved, nothing too heart breaking. she said financially that i am making some changes and that they will be good, because currently i'm not in a great money situation, and i won't be until i get older, but that it will never be too bad.

when she did my cards, the first thing she said was..ooooh! love! she was just like it's popping up everywhere around you, and it's surrounding you like crazy right now. and she told me that it's in the tenth month of this year, which is october. she's like...i just see you with someone named jim or james...something maybe that sounds like it like tim, you'll meet him and it will go slow for maybe the first two weeks, but you will make an ultimatium and you will date for a long time, but he won't be the love of your life. then she asked me if my mom had been seeing a doctor recently and i said yes, and she was like she's going to keep seeing the doctor but won't get better until she sees a specialist...tell her that she will be fine though. and then she talked about how much i am changing in my life, and how i am on the complete right track in life and that i just have to remind myself that i will be fine. she said i have two guardians who really really care for me, and thats why everything in my life is usually so solid, like things either start and happen really quickly or fizzle out quickly, becuase that guardian knows what will end in heartbreak for me and what will be good for me. she said my job is an example of that, because i got such a quick start. (which is crazy awesome, cuz i finished what usually takes people months in three weeks) but she also mentioned about work that i am going to do great there, and the boss will be great and the people will be great parts of my life. it was crazy to me that she kept coming back to love, because like every couple of minutes when she'd be talking about something she'd come back to love and how she just sees this great oppuntunity coming at me very soon. she told me that i am very magnetic to people, and they think that it's a priviledge to be my friend, that if i get offers within the next month to hang out with people that i usually don't, to take them, because they are going to open doors for me. she was so happy about my life, she asked if i was going into social work or psychology after i taught, and that was crazy because it's always something i've thought about. she also said that administration would be something to look into after teaching, but that she really saw me making a difference in people's lives, that i am an asset to people. She kept saying that I am going to have such a busy October but it's going to be good, because I am going to make new friends, and I am going to find lots of new oppurtunities, that doors are opening everywhere!

one thing that she hit on without me even saying anything or illuding to it at ALL is that i didn't come from the most amazing home situation, and she was like, i am sorry if this is touchy for you, but alcoholism, or abuse of some sort...you've overcome it so much already, and just know, that they are sorry. they really are, don't resent them, you are totally not what people who come from these situations usually become. don't cling to it. she also knew that i have been pushing myself to change, and she says it's because i'm going into my third life cycle, because life goes in 7's, and 7, 14, 21, etc are all big land marks. She told me that I will know by the end of this year who I am emotionally, physically and spiritually, which she sensed was something harder for me to grasp, and that i would be a little different from other people with my spirituality.

when she asked if there was anything that i wanted to know about, i said, well i know it's kind of cliche, but i really wanted to know about love, and she said that honestly it's everywhere, and she's like i just know that it's going to be october for you, by the end of october. shes like maybe at a halloween party? i see a man who is very logical, but he's different because he's very very people smart as well. she said she can see a man in uniform, but don't let that fool me too much because it might be a halloween costume, which i thought was kind of funny, haha. she said though that could also mean that he's just very logical and responsible, but she said that i will find it very soon. she also told me that if i don't want the relationship then, i can say no, and it will be still be there for me when i am ready.

then i asked her about making these life changes, and she kind of explained the life cycle thing some more, and she told me that i am exactly on the right track, and that i need to not second guess myself so much, and i need to get rid of the victim inside of me, she told me that i need to stop feeling that i am not good enough, and stop letting things that have happened in my life hold me back. i need to keep letting go, and that once i get rid of people who use me i will be much happier and doors will open for me. she also told me that because i am in my last year of childness, i am starting to understand these things more.

the last thing i asked her about was relationships almost starting and then never working out for me. she told me that it's because i have two guardians watching over me that care about me so much that they wouldn't let me get into relationships that would end up extremely hurtful for me. she said that it could have been abuse or cheating, and she said also part of it is that i never saw myself as good enough to be loved and adored and taken care of, and those people wouldn't have done it for me. she also said that there is one person, and she mentioned the year and a half length of time, that i need to just stop worrying about. she told me that i am going to be loved soon, and that it will last quite a long time, but it won't be the man i marry.

she was so cool because she was so reassuring that what i am doing is right, before i even talked to her about it. that's so awesome.

maybe it's not real. but it was fun, and it was crazy how dead on she was about some things. it was nice to hear someone give me some reassurence about these life changes i've been making. if you think you could believe in something like this, go give it a try. it's definitely fun and makes you think

but now i am off to bed, because i have to work all day tomorrow, and that means some team teaching, which means i better rest these pipes, cuz i gotta sing alllll day. (by the way, i'm feeling a bit better, but the throats still hurting a bit too.)

anyways, peace out. oh yeah, and i am so exciteddddd for jamie's weddingggggggggggg


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