Sep 23, 2004 19:13
Today was the best school day ever! Omg, I can't believe it. I wish everyday could be like today, and I would never have a need to complain about school again. I joined History Club, re-joined French club, I'm going to talk to Mr. P about one of the clubs he has, because no one was there 7th period to talk about it. I also might join another club. Wooo, go Francesca for joining club so she has something to put on her college app.
French club is going to France when I'm a senior. It's gonna be great. I can't wait for that. I actually already have the money to go too!! Woo. lmao. Chorus and History class is my all time favorite class. My history teacher rocks, we had a debate in class today, and we get to cont. it tomorrow. Wooo. Chorus is great because the music we're singing is actually good. I love chorus. After school, I went to Class Council to make the Homecoming Float. That was a shit load of fun. Eva, Amanda and Josie were there for a little bit. I missed the two late buses and got stranded so I called Sam and she said she would pick me up after she goes to the mall, so I stay and floded more tissue paper in Class Council. Then we went to the Snail House and the girls sat on the blenchers and flod, while the men went to build. It was funny, because the girls and I we're just folding and telling stories, and the men were fighting with each other. lol. Sam came like around 6:30 and picked me up. Yeah so it was a really good day.
And whatever I wrote for my last entry that LJ ate up, I'm not gonna rewrite. I'm to lazy, lmao. Oh well. We voiced mic yesterday and the day before. It was cool, I ended up talking a lot towards the end of it, like I always end up doing. lol, I dunno why, I just get hyper and then start talking. Kari was amused by my New York accent and says I say talk like "Tawk" and i was liek omg -cries- I'm not going to speak anymoreeeeee. lol, but she was like NO I LOVE YOUR ACCENT THOUGH!! PLEASE KEEP TALKING!! lmao. But then again, everyone else has an accent to me too. Ok, well I'm done now. Bye.