"It's not always rainbows and butterflies...."

Sep 02, 2004 09:40

Maroon 5 rocks my socks.

Nothing much has been happening. Hung out with Eva yesterday. We rode down to the school to get our schedule's fix. Of course my stupid person wasn't in, so we waited forever on a line to Eva's person. It turns out he's a retard. He gave Eva no lunch, which is aganist the law without a note from your parents, and Eva's parents never wrote a note. So yeah, we only got French together. Cat has my lunch period, so I'm all like YAY!! I'M NOT GOING BE ALL ALONE!! WOOO! After the whole school thing, Eva and I went back to my house, then we went off to Mcdonald's. Eva wanted to see Jorge to tell him what happened at the school. So lala, she saw him, we order some Mcflurries. Sat down and ate them, and we were talking about how Jorge should take his lunch brake and sit with us. And you know what? He did just that. lol. We stayed until his brake was over and then back to my house we went. Of course the next thing we did was play DDR like mad. lol. And then Eva left around 4ish.

Otherwords than that? The dude who I bought a RF wire for my old school Nintendo sent it, and I got it yesterday. WOOO. lol, old school nintendo rocks my socks. I ran off to play that later on in the day, it was fun...expect the parts where I kept dieing. x.x lol.
The stupid RO server isn't working yet. God damn there slowness. I might as well just delete it at this rate.

Everyone on AIM is away. =( I'm all aloneeee. Oh well. I'm babsitting today and tomorrow. I get paid $60. And then maybe I'll get that hair cut I've been planing this weekend. And maybeee, I'll get Sam to take me to the mall for school shopping.
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