What the hell is happening?!?!?!

Nov 08, 2008 18:23

Im crazy. I just know it.

I feel like an emotional train wreak 24/7.

Im never ok.

Always extreme. everything to the max!

I just wanna feel normal.

I have no money. because i have no job....well not a good one.
No money =
constant fights between me and my husband =
constant stress =
constant breakdowns =
more fights =
nothing ever being solved.

I feel like my emotions are a roller coaster...not a fun one.
I feel like the world is always ending.
I feel like Im always doing everything wrong.
I feel like Im constantly messing up.
I feel like I cant save money if my life depended on it.
I feel like a bad pet owner.
I feel like a bad wife.
I feel like a bad friend.

all of these feelings....and nowhere for them to go.

something is wrong. and if i dont fix it soon....

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