Mar 23, 2005 02:18
Soooo my Spring Break has been good overall
- Things are wonderful with mom and dad. They seem to not have a problem with me going out and staying out late, and they don't have any problem with Justin. Yesssssssss
- Hung out with the crew the past few days. That crew would consist of Kasey, Sean, James, Greg, and two other Air Force Academy dudes. Nice people, good times, great salsa dancing. But Adam (not Boyer, Air Force dude) is one very annoying Jew. And I can say that cuz he reminded us all the he was Jewish every 10 minutes.
- Most of us went up to Clay to say hi to teachers. Wow reading that made me realize we have no lives. We saw Sweat, not Miller [insert sad face here], CDR, Bastard Quief, and McCabe. I'm surprised he remembers me. Even moreso, it's very tempting to "use" him in order to get an internship. Then again, he DID offer.
- Slept in the past 8:30 all week. YAY! Kinda upset cuz I had to get up at 9:30 to take Justin to work. Rain = no motorcycle and no brakes in truck = potentially bad situation.
I really missed everybody. It's been a great break so far. I also went shopping at that new town center in front of UNF...yes I know it. I'm in trouble. Now I have a really great place to go if I want to skip class. It still shocks me how crazy people are to wait 2 and a half hours to eat at the cheesecake factory. Ok bedtime. <3