Babies and mail etiquette

Jul 08, 2009 15:23

I've been confused about what I should actually write in letters to seito ever since I wrote my first letter.  Tomomin apparently doesn't mind the masses of irrelevant things I write to her (hopefully...), but I always worry when I post letters that I'll accidentally mess up my Japanese and write something that might be taken as an offence.  ._.;  So are there any unwritten 'rules' for writing letters?  I remember reading a post about this sort of thing some time ago, and everyone seemed to have different opinions.

Also, how do you write to younger actresses?  I'd really like to send a letter to Ouji Kaoru, wishing her good luck for her first performance in Snow Troupe, but I feel a bit foolish writing to her when I've never seen her perform.  ^^;  I just thought that she looked sweet when I first saw her photo, and I liked her self-introduction in the May issue of Graph, because it was pretty unique and reminded me of a tanka I read.  Is that enough to write her a letter?

Basically, I'd appreciate any input in the matter of letter-writing.  :)

On a completely different note, while translating My Dear New Orleans, I came across some excellent background acting from (I think?) Sayaka Shion and Yuuka Riko.  I'm not sure why, but it made me laugh.  XD


my dear new orleans, letters

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