Mar 04, 2009 19:02
So Some Guy added me to his LJ friend's list without introducing himself, so I went over to his journal to see if I could figure out who it is. We have a few cosplay type friends in common, and since I don't cosplay anymore I figure I must know him from before somehow. On his front page, he has a post with a picture of a girl with a full back and full sleeve tattoo, and he says:
"If she displayed her tattoos openly in Japan, people would mistaken her as a Yakuza. A lot of places don't even allow people with gangster tattoos to go in. So she would have to cover up. She can't even roll up her sleeves and show her forearms. *sigh*"
So I'm thinking..... wat? Does this girl even live in Japan? And why does he care about whether or not she can show her forearms? In the comments he said she does not, in fact, live in Japan, however: "'s going to be a problem when she visits Japan." That's right. When she visits. She apparently made the wrong choice because her tattoos might affect her VISIT to JAPAN.
He adds: "Bath houses and a lot of hotels openly display warning signs that they don't welcome people with gangster tattoos. Even though her tattoos are not gangster tats, but they are gangster-like. So I'm worried for her. >_<." And also: "A couple years ago I wanted to get full sleeves too, but then I knew it was going to be a problem when I visit Japan, so I didn't get it."
Seriously? SERIOUSLY?! It is the EPITOME of weeaboo to not do something you want to do because you want to appeal to your preconceived notions of an ENTIRE COUNTRY'S STANDARDS OF APPEARANCE. And God forbid you can't go into a bathhouse, because Japan IS the only country with bathhouses and hot springs and you'll never get the chance again, amirite?!
I commented like, what the hell dude, let her do what she wants. Also, she's going to get treated like every other foreign girl regardless of her tats. His response was, "Hi I'm Jack!" Then he deleted the comment, but hasn't taken me off his friend list. Who the fuck are these people?!
The post was especially hilarious to me because one of my best friends in Japan was covered head-to-toe in tattoos and runs a tattoo supply company out of Nagoya lol.