And now for the News

Jun 18, 2009 07:55

Here's the important stuff:

- My muse got her arse into gear somewhat yesterday, enabling me to write. Write smut, and as yet, smut without a climax, but smut all the same. Will hopefully definitely resolve the smut today, and allow it to be beta'd by anyone *looks at rightxhere* who wishes to check my spelling/gramma/flow etc.

- As stated in picspam post, I am going shopping on work's time, with work's money later. I may take slightly longer than is necessary, but I couldn't give a rats behind, as this afternoon I have got to a) sort the basement - yuck, and b) have a 'catch-up meeting' with the boss, which gerenally just means she will kick my ass for something. MUST ENJOY SHOPPING!!

- Sadly, must do a little work before I go shopping, due to catch up meeting and the fact I did even less than normal yesterday.

- I am very tired. This sucks!

crazy talk

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