I has uploaded my AT4 pics to
Facebook I have also made new friends on LJ. Say hello to
twisted_angel5 because she's awesome! I am still tired, but I thought I'd share this with y'all...
This is how the photo-op with Amanda happened:
Amanda: "Hannah, get over here. Holy Hannah"
*hugs me*
Amanda: "How are you doing?"
*still hugging*
Me: "I'm so scared"
Amanda: "Why?"
Me: "This is my first con, and it's a little overwhelming"
Amanda: "You picked a great first con"
Me: *nods* "I'm going to the Sanctuary one and I'm glad I've experienced a con before that"
~then its time to take the pic~
Me: "I'm not looking forward to this"
Amanda: "Aww, why not?"
Me: "I take a really bad photo"
Amanda: "You're gorgeous, it'll be great"
*puts her arm around me*
*Amanda says something and we both laugh*
*click* (thats the camera)
~the photo was screwy because she made me laugh too much and my eyes went all slitty, so we had to have another one~
*Amanda rubs my back while we await the verdict of the second pic*
Amanda: "Thank you for coming"
Me: "Thank you for coming over to see us"
*I start to walk away*
Amanda: "Aww, this girl's gorgeous"
*I turn back to Amanda*
Me: "Thank you"
And then I went and died to my roomie, Jill, and Thomasina Gibson (who's written the SGA season guides)
I wasn't quite so articulate in the autograph session, however...
Amanda: *big grin* "Hiiiiiiiiiii!"
Me: *grin* "Hi"
~Julia from GABIT tells Amanda I'm going to Vancouver for The Sanctuary Experience~
Amanda: *claps* "Yaaaay"
Me: *grin*
Amanda: "So have you enjoyed yourself?"
Me: "Yeah, it's been fun"
Can't quite remember what was said after this, because I was dying of my stupid brain being all mush and monosyllabic!
I love Amanda Tapping