*slightly annoyed*

Oct 12, 2009 16:02

I love Amanda Tapping. We all know I completely do - so much so that its bordering on the unhealthy. And yet she's gone and sort of annoyed me. Below copied from her twitter is the reason why.

amandatapping Hope my tweeps in England enjoy the show tonight! #Sanctuary season 2 on ITV!! xo 2 minutes ago from web

I am not in England... Does this mean I'm not allowed to enjoy the s2 opener? Hmmm?! I know what she means and that it's not meant as a slur to those Welshies who watch and love Sanctuary, but still. I do get a little fed up with everyone thinking that Britain is comprised of England and, well, just England really. Yes, I'm on my high horse, for which I make no apologies. *sigh*

amanda tapping, stupidity, sanctuary

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