The Procrastination Begins...

Mar 30, 2004 18:58

So I have finally decided to create a Live Journal. I used to have a website, but the provider got shut down. So now I have something else to keep me from doing work that needs to be done! Tee hee! I've got about 30 minutes until Sweet Tones practice and although I was thinking about running before practice, I don't want to show up and be stuck in that little room without having taken a shower! Ew! So if the gym is still open, I'll go after practice.

Conrad left today to go to Wisconsin for a few weeks. After that's over, he's going straight to Arkansas for about a month or so. He says he should be back in early to mid-June. I hope his company can fly me out to see him in Arkansas. I don't think I can drive that far in my little baby car. I don't think we'll make it there and back.

I can't wait to hear about Sweet Spirits on Thursday! I really want to be a part of it next year. I LOVE Chap and I think being in Sweet Spirits would be soooooo much fun to work with him and the other girls involved in it. Maybe he can help me find my spiritual direction in life. We've already talked some, but I keep feeling this push to continue talking with him whether I'm accepted into the Sweet Spirits or not. I know God has a great plan for me... I can feel it. I just need to find it.

Alright, time to get ready for Sweet Tones! I'll be back later!

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