May 07, 2005 16:53
So i had my saturday detention(there diana i spelt it right!)And i am still alive! yay! it was the most boringest thing i have ever had to do in my entire life. I hated it. Then i went out after to buy my mommy a mothers day card because i already have her present and crap. Then i came home and took a nap because i got three hours of sleep last night.And then i attempted to put tpgether my computer the good news is that it turns on the bad news is that i havent quiet figuered oiut how to get the enternet yet. But i will....eventually...haha. Anywas now i am just waiting for it to be 6:30 because that is when i must babysit. fun fun. During my detention today i was thinking about how some people have just changed so incredibly much since last year. Its wierd like some of the people that i was extremely close wit last year i barely ever talk to anymore.Its the same with the people i was close wit at the beginning of the year. Its amazing how much highschool makes you realize who your true friends are. I mean i miss certain people i used to be close wit but i guess that even if you think you will always be friends wit certain people you grow apart even if you dont mean too. I miss it but i guess that its just a part of growing up.