1st Okonomiyaki [Accidental Voice/Action]

Mar 10, 2011 21:16

[There's a loud splash as something, namely Ukyo, is dumped unceremoniously into the lake. There's more as she wades to the shore and then her angry diatribe starts up full force.]

Hey! Whoever you are, show yourself! You got a lotta nerve pulling a prank like this!

[She gasps and claps her hands over her chest when she realizes that she's in a skimpy sundress and it's clinging to her all too female attributes.]

And stealin' someone's clothes too! I know you're behind this Shampoo. Stop hiding and get out here! We're going to settle this once and for all.

[She reaches behind her shoulder for her battle spatula to deliver a sound beating to the Chinese girl as soon as she shows up, only to find feathers.]

Wha- what the heck are these things? Where's my spatula?!

GET OUT HERE YOU COWARD AND FIGHT! If you think you're gonna steal Ranma with a stunt like this, you got another thing coming!
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