(no subject)

Jul 19, 2006 21:35

It has been awhile, which seems silly, because alot has been going on, all things considered.

I'm officially moved in at Atlanta. I've been down here almost two weeks, although I have been visiting Knoxville on the weekends. It's really starting to feel like home, although I'm still torn between which one is "home": here or my old apartment in C'oaks. Joe is not here during the week, so I have 4 days all by myself.

Don't think I'm bored! I've been studying for the GRE, working on my personal statement. Oh, and working out twice per day. I've thus dropped another 3 pounds! I know it doesn't seem like much, but it takes me within 5 lbs of my goal. Although the goal might change now...I'm not sure I'm going to be satisfied with the way I look at that weight. We shall see. I've also been babysitting a little. Hurray for some money, b/c I am broke!

My job screwed me over. They told me that I would start July 10, then changed it until August 7. So, that's an entire month that I didn't plan on living without money. I've done alright so far, although by the time I get my first pay check i'm going to have $0.00 in all my accounts. Fortunately I have a hot sugar daddy to buy me tomato soup and grilled cheese.

In the meantime I have become the perfect desperate housewife...I cook, I clean, I do laundry. Now all I need is a hot gardener, unlike the almost-18 yr old one that seems to be stalking me.

Georgia has had difficulty making Doggy friends. All the people around here seem to be afraid of her. It could be her gaping maw. Kiera seems to love the new apartment, mainly because the furniture is much squishier than anything I used to have. She is bitchy if she thinks where I am sitting is more comfortable than the space she is occupying.

Ok, so for the two people who read this blog, which one for grad school?:
University of Hawaii, Manoa
University of Wisconsin, Madison
University of California, Berkeley

Sadly, Wisconsin is in the lead in how much I like the program. But OH SO COLD!! I guess I have plenty of time to explore options in between folding Joe's laundry.
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