Man...everybody is getting hurt and receiving bad news. I have not been left out of this loop. Now don't worry because I haven't been apart of an accident lately. I'm just getting upsetting news.
I don't really want to whine about it when
fitzette and
pili204 are recovering in the hospital from their unbelievable accidents. My hopes and prayers for you both to
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You have to read "Lost For Words" by Solstice on checkmated first. I love that story too!
Hello, my friend yaaronet accidentally found your LJ and this entry and came to tell me about it.
It you like the Mute!Ron and you're not opposed to slash or Trio smut I wrote some stuff on solstice_fics for shocolate, as she is head over heels in over with Mute!Ron.
I'd have to friend you though as it's friendslocked but just respond to this msg to let me know if you want me to.
Also, if you go over to ronsexuals user info page you'll see covers and links for all my big fics.
Thanks for the rec!
Solstice Muse (Shari)
PS My LJ name is oncelikeshari, I post fic updates and general stuff there.
I'll totally friend you. There's so many names that you gave me!
This user name is my actual Live Journal and solstice_fics is where I post experimental fics, challenge fics and slash and smut for friends only.
I'll friend you to the fic LJ now. There's Mute!Ron/Harry 3 parter and there's a Mute!Ron/Harry/Hermione threesome 2 parter as well.
I gotta say. I haven't had much interest lately in multi-chaptered fics. They just didn't catch my interest. Your one shot caught my attention and then found this one and that's all I'm readin now!
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