Sep 04, 2005 20:16

Ok, it's been a long time with no update. My apologies! I'll be working on a new layout soon, although I can't make any promises as to when that'll be, school starts Tuesday!! :( :(

In the meantime, I'm finally making this FAQ page in addition to the rules. PLEASE READ BOTH THIS AND THE RULES PAGE BEFORE YOU ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS. It'll save me a lot of time from replying to the SAME types of questions over and over again.

I'll update this page whenever I see a new influx of repeated questions.

Can I be added?
NO! I get this question all the time and I hate it. You do not need to be added to the community in order to be a member. To join the community, click on the "Join" link at the top of the community journal, AFTER reading the rules. If you want to be added as a friend to my personal journal, you must comment me on there.

I don't see the layouts. Where are they?
You MUST be a member of the community in order to see the layouts. All the layout entries are made friends only (for members) in order to keep stealing to a minimum. To join the community, see above.

How do I use my layout?
Your layout should be set to the S1 Style System and all views should be set on Generator. To change this, go to "Manage -> Customize" on the LJ toolbar at the top of the page. Once you change these settings, scroll down until you're able to see a big white box titled "Overrides". This is where you paste the string of coding for the layout. Click save or update (whatever it is) and voila! Your new layout.

How do I give you credit for my layout?
This is a big one. THE CREDIT IS ALREADY IN THE LAYOUT. You don't need to change anything, UNLESS you change the navigation links and are planning on deleting the line of credit. If so, you need to give me credit by using the community button in the user info page of this community, or you can add your own line of credit in your user info.

Can you make me a layout?
No. I don't do requests. Occassionally I'll ask for opinions, but I will never make custom made layouts.

What about pictures in the layouts?
No pictures either. I don't have the resources nor do I like them. These layouts are meant to be plain and simple, and pictures kind of ruin that purpose.

Can I change the font/lyrics/colors?
Yes. As long as you keep the credit link on the layout, you may change whatever you want. Just be careful when you're editing navigation links if you aren't familiar with them, or you might ruin the links.

Why does the information/link box at the top of my journal have two different colors? It doesn't look right!
This is because you have custom colors or a color theme defined. That big long table where you put in your own colors for various parts of your livejournal? That's it. Make sure you have custom colors defined, but delete ALL the colors listed in the table. The table should be left completely blank, and then you should be all set.

Question not listed? Feel free to comment me on this journal or email me. =)
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