Apr 04, 2005 23:30
Auto response from chicachattitude: doing pickering thing...(any pickering-ers, what the heck are we supposed to be doing?) ...and lab ...may need help on that one later
ThE sPhInXeSs: I've decided it's my duty as a senior to leave an utterly un-helpful message. So here goes: As for the Pickering, you're supposed to spend 45 minutes writing the most boring essay about rhetoric or some such nonsense that serves absolutely no purpose other than to impress people on the ap, the ap that no one cares about anyways. The lab, well, I don't know what your lab is, but my guess is it has something to do with biology. In that case, if it screams, it's alive. If it doesn't, it still might be alive anyways. Trees are green, and therefore cool. This has been a message from the senior broadcasting system. Enjoy your evening, Miss Garza.
omg! hannah is now my hero officially. oh, that made me laugh so hard. back to pickeringness/labness.