Look... a meme

Aug 22, 2010 13:30

For a few heartbeats, the Planet simply stopped turning, and the laws of space and time were entirely suspended. Everything was reduced to one single thought, the answer to all questions ever asked and the key to all mysteries of the universe. There was no you, no I, only we, an entity that could not be separated, not by force, not by fate, not even by death, a sacred union of souls. Nothing else existed outside of that, nothing else mattered.

o8. Have you ever won an award for a fanfic?


o9. How long have you been writing for? Can you find a short passage from an early work to show us your improvement?

I started inventing stories when I was still a toddler, and I wrote my first long story (by hand) when I was eight.

Since this meme is about fan fiction, I have to say it’s not that long ago, just two years, to be precise (my FFnet account was registered on the 15th of August 2008).

If you want to see improvement (and make me cringe), any passage from an older story will do (especially from my very first one. I don’t recommend that though...).

1o. What inspires you to write a fanfic?

Oh, it’s usually a sum of different things. To name the most important ones: music, other people’s works (be it books, stories or cutscenes) and every-day life (all the small and ordinary details as well as those rare perfect unique moments). My friends, of course. And my muses (those are the ‘voices’ of characters I hear from time to time :)

fan fiction, meme, writing

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