Among the innumerable memes and gifs and whatnots about poor Braz-nil Brazil, the one that had me truly ROTFLMAO was, in its origins, totally unintentional and innocent in nature.
Check out BBC Two's programme of yesterday's late night *iz ded*
*cheers on Germany to go ahead and win the damn Cup*
I bring you opera, via a somewhat creative mental leap:
In an interview, Tom Hiddleston talked about a short scene in "The Avengers", shot but sadly cut from the movie and not released among the deleted scenes, where Loki is sitting in the Stuttgart Opera, watching "Der Ring des Nibelungen" (Rhinegold, I suppose) while grinning all the time and muttering "oh, it totally wasn't like that".
WHEDON!! Seriously? How could you deny us this absolutely drool-worthy, wonderful, sophisticated, [insert helpless babbling] moment?? If you weren't such a genius, I would totally hate you right now.
*moons over scene that does not really exist*
And, of course, I now imagine Loki growing more and more agitated when realising that - after his glee over Thor's minor role - only Daddy is granted any stage time in the later stages of the drama.
Which *leaps mentally* brings me to my favourite musical appearance of Loge, in, of course, Wotan's farewell.
Usually I drool over Lawrence Tibbett's spectacular recording from 1934,
here, but this one, which I just found in my quite *cough* vast collection and have up until now never really listened to, is not bad either, really, really not bad:
Jerome Hines, 1961, who had then been critizised as having too much of a basso voice, as singing too much in the bel canto style (alternating with barking Hans Hotter at Bayreuth in that year), too yaddayadda. Have you no ears, people?