* Bones - see last post... no hope there.
* Castle:
First, I have to say that I don't at all care about Beckett and Castle as a couple - I go there merely for the fun of it, and the less relationship issues per episode the better. However. It wasn't as bad as I feared, and yet it was worse, somehow. When I first learned that the big omg!surprise was going to be his proposal to her, I was bracing myself for the super-cliché, such as having him force a decision on her, like try and make her reject the job offer by flashing diamonds to her. Thankfully, we were (for now?) spared the 'you have to chose between man and job' drama. Still, a simple 'whatever you're going to do, I'll support you' would have been enough - the proposal scene smacked SO MUCH of OMG! Sh**! only two seconds left for this season, we have to KEEP OUR VIEWERS AT IT OVER THE SUMMER BREAK!!11!! Hey... why not let him propose to her?? *major eyeroll*
* The Mentalist:
I know that most of the viewers are fed to the teeth with the Red John story arc, but I have to admit to still liking it. So, what I really loved about this finale was that it was about the PLOT. The plot, and not 'Why doesn't he marry me?' 'Why did she not tell me about xy' yaddayaddy. And I seriously hope that they're going to keep the chemistry between Lisbon and Jane exactly as it is in season 6, with no romance of whichever kind added to the mix, because... no. Just no. Please just for once let a man and a woman be friends.
* There's still hope for Criminal Minds. I do like the Replicator killer thingy, but unlike other series that for my taste focus too much on the characters (and *coughBonescough* butcher them in the process) and not enough on the crimes at hand, I'd like me some character development there (and no, Reid having a girl on the line is not what I mean).
Went to see the
newest Star Trek flick yesterday.
While I did like some scenes, the overall impression was... uh. Meh. *dozes off* Perhaps it wasn't the wisest decision after all to chose Khan, a character every single Trekkie that ever walked the earth knows, as the main opponent, because everyone and their pets knew what was going to happen hours before it happened on screen. Also, unexpectedly, I was seriously underimpressed by Cumberbatch's Khan - what's with all the grimacing and flailing about? He's doing such a fine job as Sherlock, with his amazing voice and the very reduced mimics, which makes the occasional outburst all the more effective. Also, super-stylish Klingons wtf? (I know they don't discuss it with outsiders, but still.)
I sort of like Pine and Quinto's renditions of their respective characters but am not overly excited about it (love Urban's), and please, Simon Pegg, while it's nice to hear your genuine Scottish accent, please stop acting like on speed (his 'I've been away one bloody day!!!' was great, though :-). The Spock/Uhura-whatever-it-is already pissed me off in the first movie, and it still does, but people! All that touchy-feely-ness between Kirk and Spock (and McCoy, who's the only one who's allowed some - albeit grumpy - sentimentality)! It had me roll my eyes so hard that I feared they might get stuck in the rear part of my brain... it doesn't even work in the late TOS movies when they've already shared a lifetime together, but here, they still barely know each other!
*is off to re-watch Game of Thrones season 1, because who for the love of God are these people*