this sucks..

Apr 24, 2005 11:44

I am getting so sick of school rite now ..i was up till 2:30 am doing my stupid isu for religions, which makes no sence at all.I did the wrong thing for i haveto re do it!...can i kill someone! please! lol jks! God and then theres my travel mid term mark...34%...when people in my class never go to class and are getting a 80% ..grr.. Its soo not fair!

I need to go shopping soo badly ..i have no clothes..well i do ..infact I have lots of clothes...:)

MY birthday is coming!! woooot! ...omg i am the biggest idiot everr! i
thought may 7th was this sat coming ..( my bday ) and i was looking at the schedule at work and my manager booked me for sat 9-2 and i freaked out ..but then i checked teh date and its onli april 30th ..LMAO. I am so broke right now i have less then 5 $ inmy bank account... and i get paid in 4 days ...OMG! grrr! I cant stand not having money...well then again thats where my parents come in..!!

I need to go tanning soo badly getting white ..again.. eww its rainingout right not ...i cant wait for THE hot sick of this weather it makes in bad moods!!

Ughh im soo mad cuz im not working with the CUTest GUY ever this week! grr!o well w.e. I get to meet the 2 new boys ..this friday and apparently one of them is HOTTT! ...cant wait!!

Ok well its 12:00 n i gotta go to work at 12 30 to be there at 1 gunna go now and get readyy! ...

I will stop writing this retarted journal! lmao ...
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