
Oct 10, 2008 14:38

If something were to happen to your significant other, such as an accident that left them paralyzed, blind, or deaf, would you stay with them?

I just saw this lady and her son on the bus. He was deaf and she was blind. It breaks my heart seeing people like that. And I'm sure the last thing they want is pity. But it sucks knowing they might not be able to live their life the way I am living mine. I'm thankful for the life I have and the family I have in it.

And Brian I would never leave you if that happened to you <3333

Old friendships have been in the back of my mind recently. And I don't really know what to do. Granted I do miss the friendship we had and all of our good memories, but that doesn't necessarily mean things can just go back to the way they were. I have few friends and I need to be able to trust them with everything. I don't believe you can be friends with someone without that. Maybe things will be different this time, but how do I know for sure?

4 tests next week... college can kick rocks
I have an A in Geography and Calculus.
:]]] right now I have D's in those classes on my transcript. And after this semester those A's will replace the bad grades which is going to help my gpa a lot. Calculus is a 4 credit class ad Geography is 3

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