May 18, 2005 21:39
School was, once again, a waste of time. I did watch two good movies today though. Still watching Gattica (finally up to the part that i normally end up watching from) and finished A Clockwork Orange. Psych was probably the most interesting class because of the really good discussion we had with Ms. Hirschberg.
After school, it was off to work! Training: Day 2. Dun dun dun. Spent most of the time doing the training activities for the fish department. Scooped dead fish, cleaned tanks, caught fish, caught grasshoppers. It wasnt all that bad.
Sam is leaving the sunrise petsmart and transferring to Aventura. That means that theres going to be an opening in Equine. I haveeeeee to talk to Ed tomorrow. He even told me that he wanted to put me into equine. . PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!
Im tired. And I smell like fish. But I did make friends with Jen and Mia today. Yay! Work friends! hahah