So, I'm pretty sure I do this every year...

Nov 13, 2009 00:44

So, here it is again! Saw it on
bridget_x_alena's el jay, and thought, hay, why not.

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulcutebunny43 goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as a ninja.bruised_candy gives you 9 red strawberry-flavoured pieces of taffy.darkeyedwolf gives you 17 milky white tropical-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.dope_fiiend gives you 1 dark blue coffee-flavoured jawbreakers.dr_tiffy gives you 19 light green orange-flavoured gummy bats.itzpopalotl tricks you! You get a rock.lonelystar_ gives you 17 red coffee-flavoured nuggets.mirror3image tricks you! You lose 45 pieces of candy!starandrea gives you 19 milky white coffee-flavoured nuggets.the_beccaroo gives you 1 mauve cola-flavoured gumdrops.xoleanderx gives you 7 tan cinnamon-flavoured jawbreakers.cutebunny43 ends up with 45 pieces of candy, and a rock.Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

A rock, Kit-Kat, really? THANKS!
Boo, Kels stole like, ALL my candy! no fairs!
And some of y'all are some stingy mother fuckers, I mean, really. I'm dressed as a goddamn NINJA! I deserve more respect than THIS!

Sigh, NaNo is not going well at all, I mean, it's still going, but I think I'm supposed to be like, halfway there by now, and I'm not even at 2k words. I think I might end up using a shit-load of song lyrics like I swore to myself I wouldn't do, but fuck it, I have to finish this year, I can always edit all that shit out later! But if y'all have any ideas, hit me up! They're a bunch of awesome, kinda crazy, always lovable characters shipwrecked on an island, bwhahaha! I loves those characters!

On another note, being a girl sucks, hate being on my period, cramps suck, blaaargh!

On a better note, I just spent like, 150 bucks on Amazon buying video games, but goddamnit, it's VIDEO GAMES, it's one of my weaknesses! I bought Folklore, Eternal Sonata and Dragon Age: Origins, the first two for my precious, beloved PS3, and the third for my brother's x-box, who's never home anyway, so I can use it whenever, hee! They will be here Saturday, and I can't wait to open them, I love new video game smells.

monies monies need more monies, i hate myself, love that new video game smell, hate being a girl, do not want!, memes oh the memes, my flist rules the world, whyyyyyy!, i love my ps3, love the omc, ca is so lame, god hates me, oh my god nano, somebody help meee!, cramps fucking suck, new video games rule, i love video games

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