Feb 23, 2005 15:09
I have been trying to update my journal for like 3 days and it always goes to Read Only Mode and i get extremely pissed. So heres a recap of the weekends events:
Friday I went to the bball game with Chris, but she wasn't much fun because she wanted them to lose since Vond doesn't play anymore. i feel bad for him since he tries hard, but he annoys the coaches. After that I drove her to laurens, but I knew I would be out of place if i went there so I went over to my buddy Steve's house. It was a fine night, little boring, but whatever.
Saturday was so much better! I went shopping with Chris and found a skirt for 3 dollars, crazy I know!! After that rushed home and got ready for Moe only to find that my sister took my straightener to Florida, if she takes it this weekend I may have to hurt her. So Moe was really fun, minus Mike's drunken idioticness. i was going to warn everyone about him, but everyone seemed so excited to be driving down with them, I let it go, I guess I should have said something considering I have lived next door to them and know a little more about it. Oh well, it didn't entirely ruin my night, I enjoyed the music, but would have prefered more songs I know. I was also very happy that I didn't really get anxious at all, only once but that was just because it was so hott and everyone agreed with me so I relaxed imediately.
I slept most of the day on Sunday and then went to work out and then to our soccer game. In which I was doing pretty well in until Liz got hurt. I was near her and running away, I thought she was fine, but when I turned around, my heart stopped and my stomach dropped. Liz, you don't deserve to be hurt again, i would rather it be me, you try so hard and put so much into it. I love you and have been praying for you.
So after that, I really wasn't in the best of moods and didn't feel like going out. But I called Steve anyways knowing he might have people over. Bad idea, since I went by myself I felt outside of what was going on. I needed to be out with you guys or for you all to be there, I know all of them but not that well except for Steve and he was running around here and there. So I wasn't going to drink, year that didn't happen. I had a couple and was fine, but then someone sent me looking for Steve, he was needed at the bar or something. So I ran around his basement asking people and went into the back room. Bobby said he was in the closet and I was like, what is he doing. He indicated nothing good and I got really upset, but I knocked on the door anyways and ran away. Then I decided to drink a lot of vodka in a short amount of time. THen I talked to Jen, she is so understanding and then I talked to Steve. he told me they were just talking about Shadle, but why in the closet with LAURA HEYSE OF ALL PEOPLE. I didn't think he would do that to Jenn, so I believe that they were just talking. So the only person who noticed me sitting by myself in the back room drinking away my problems was Andrew Davis. He sat there and listened to me babble and talked to me. Chris was sitting on the couch right outside and she didn't even come in until way after Davis did. So anyways, he ends up driving me home since I am in no condition to drive my car. I get home, go upstairs but thank goodness my mom was not comprehensive when i woke her up. I went downstairs and put pjs on and laid down, i got so dizzy. So i puked and passed out and woke up the next morning feeling so shitty and realized I had puked all over my shoulder, gross i know, especially for me. So i showered for like 30 minutes and still couldnt get rid of the smell. I went to open gym but wasn't doing much of anything due to extreme pain in my shins and my hung over lazyness.
So that was my weekend, I think that I need to stick with you guys. When I am alone I just get in really bad moods because I feel like no one cares about me and get depressed about the fact that all the guys i like have girlfriends or wouldn't look at me like that. Anyways This has been a long post that has made me see my utter stupidity once again. I am not allowed to drink when i am emotional and I am actually going to stick to this one, it was such a bad experience.