May 13, 2005 11:35
So ya i woke up to my dog barking i wantede to kick him so then i heard someone outside our door. So i went to look and this guy was like just pacing on our porch thingy at first i thought it was out neighbor Travis but i know he works early so it wasnt him. Kinda weired huh so i locked to door and as soon as i went back into bed i heard him walk down the stairs. WEIRED! So Joe called like 10 min. later and i told him he was all freaked out about it too. LoL hes soo cute after i got off the phone w/ him he called like 5 min. later to make sure he was still gone and that i was ok lol.
I have no idea what im going to do w/ my day im tried to get a hold of Brittany to see if she wanted to go to the gym w/ me but i think shes working out at home or something. I'll prolly clean, take a shower, and go tanning then wait for Joe to come home if i dont talk to anyone today. I soo need to get my hair done already i want to get it a lil shorter but not much w/ some more highlights and a lil red again, w/ some layers but not a lot. I'm so scared to do differnt things w/ my hair in case i dont like it ya know makes me nervous.
I ordered new checks yesterday online they are soo cute they have lil flip flops on it and summer scenes on the other ones those kind of things excite me lol. I needed new ones w/ the new address on it anyways. Oh yea that reminds me i should prolly change the address on my license lol i havent done that yet and we moved like 5 months ago. So lets hope i dont get pulled over lol cause thats a BIG ticket i heared.
Well im going to start cleaning and start my day.