Mar 02, 2005 19:26
hey hey
been a while eh! well where shall i start?
aww my bf thats where, his names Paul he's a sercurity gaurd but down side of this relationship is he lives in London. but i dont care about distance. he was up not weekend past but the other 1 and booked a four star hotel for the weekend in edinburgh. n i tell u the best sex i have had he's the only one tht has found my g-spot. i faked with the rest lol i know naughty and bitchy but i couldnt just lie ther with the rest and look at them n say cmon boy u can find it lol.
ach well..... so yeah Pauls coming bk up at the end of march so YAY am gettin excitied already. he's meeting the dad.
on other news. i might be moving out of my dads, if he lets me into a flat with one of my best mates Nicole gonna be awsome.
am ill at the moment thts why the subjects *cries*
my stomach is sore whr i had my apendix out the same pain i had when i needed it out. i went to the emerency docs yesterday he told me to bring a urine sample in for today which i did and to make an appiontment for next week but if i feel sick or any dizzyness i've to go straight bk. i've been feeling like tht all day. every1 been saying go bk to the docs but i cant have two emergencys appointments in two days running can i? so i said if i feel any worse tomo i'll go. my mates think am mad!!!
do u?