The Application
Name: Lynee
Sexual Preference: Straight
Where you live: California
Movie: Hmm. The Goonies, The Breakfast Club
Book: Slaughterhouse Five, Like Water for Chocolate
Band/Artists/Music Group: Finger Eleven, Pearl Jam, Michael Jackson
Author: Kurt Vonnegut
*Opinion Questions (these answers had better be more than 3 sentences)*
~What is your stand on abortion? I stand on this issue as Pro Choice. I understand that a lot of women won't want to take responsibility for their actions, but you also have to take in the fact of women who have been raped, have health problems that pregnancy could fatally complicate, and also women with HIV/AIDs that don't want to pass their disease onto their child. I'd rather have the choice to make my own decision.
~Given the opportunity, would you choose the gender of your un-born child? Personally, I wouldn't want to choose my own child's gender, btu I can see how others would. Perhaps some families are really into the whole reproducing bit, but they have 5 boys already and just want a girl. There are always extreme circumstances.
~How do you feel about same sex relationships? I fully support same sex relationships. I don't think people choose to be homosexual, it's just a way of life. Homosexuality has been documented in literature for hundreds of years, so it's not like it's a new thing.
~What do you think could be done to help lessen the amount of people in poverty in the U.S.? I think the government could make more effort, in cases of healthcare and schooling. I have seen so many other countries in which socialism hasmade a beneficial difference for a huge majority of its citizens. If schooling was made available to everyone for free, we'd be upping the standards for our country while at the same time creating greater minds and ideas
~If you could switch lives with a celebrity for a week, who would it be and why? I think I would switch places with Liv Tyler because I love her personality, she seems very down to earth, while still enjoying major motion pictures.
~What do you think happens after death? I don't think it's my place to give an opinion on that subject. Every concept I've heard about life after death is in some way crafted like a fairy tale.
~How much money do you need to have a happy life? Whatever you choose to do in life that makes you feel successful, the paycheck that comes with the job is how much money you need ot have a happy life.
~Do you have any phobias? No
*Because I’m Curious*
~Where did you find out about this community?
I think at the goonies community
~Do you have confidence in yourself?
~Do you believe you’re a good candidate for this community?
I do, but I also would like to know what this community is about. Do you just vote people in and that's it? Or is it coming to bigger and better things?
~Where did you promote us to? (3 LJ users, show links here) *Pictures*
My Senior Picture
I'm on the my senior picnic
Myself seeming horribly grouchy. I dyed my hair brown