Name: Katie
Age: 15
Sexual Preference: i prefer guys.
Where you live: i live in virginia.
Movie: Girl, Interrupted
Book: The Catcher in the Rye
Band/Artists/Music Group: the Killers and Rooney
Author: i don't have a favorite author.
*Opinion Questions (these answers had better be more than 3 sentences)*
~What is your stand on abortion? i believe that abortion is wrong for the most part, but i don't think it should be illegal. i think that if a girl is raped then she should be able to choose whether she wants to have the baby or get an abortion. the choice should be totally up to the girl, but i do believe that it is wrong.
~Given the opportunity, would you choose the gender of your un-born child? i would not want to choose the gender of my un-born child. i would want it to be a surprise. choosing the gender of my un-born baby would seem too scientfic, and i'm not into all that. so, i wouldn't do it because of that too.
~How do you feel about same sex relationships? i am for same sex relationships. i don't really care if people are gay or not. that is up to them. they can't help how they feel for certain people. so let them be.
~What do you think could be done to help lessen the amount of people in poverty in the U.S.? i think that people should get more jobs available instead of having the self-check out at Giant or other stores like that. i mean, that is stupid. then again, people had jobs making the self-check out thing. so, i don't know. there needs to be more jobs available though. that would solve most of the problems.
~If you could switch lives with a celebrity for a week, who would it be and why? i would want to switch lives with Angelina Jolie. she helps alot of people in different countries. she also has that adorable little boy. i would want to be her so i could help people yet still be rich and have things that i want.
~What do you think happens after death? i am unsure about that. i do think that something happens to us, but im not sure what. we might come back and have another life. i do not think that we just die and then that is it.
~How much money do you need to have a happy life? i need enough to make me and the rest of the people in my life happy. i wouldn't need much, but i don't think money is what makes me or people in general happy. i'm happy when i have atleast $10. that can go along way with me.
~Do you have any phobias? i have many phobias. i'm scared of getting stung by jellyfish. i'm scared of getting into really serious relationships because they can just go away real quick. i'm scared of big bridges because i have a recurring dream of me going off a bridge in a car into water. i'm also scared of tornadoes or really big storms.
*Because I’m Curious*
~Where did you find out about this community? i saw it in one of my friend's journals.
~Do you have confidence in yourself? sometimes. i guess it depends who is around and how i am feeling that day.
~Do you believe you’re a good candidate for this community? i could be, but that's not really up to me, now is it?
~Where did you promote us to? (3 LJ users, show links here)
http://www.livejournal.com/users/stilettos_/27107.html?view=17379#t17379 http://www.livejournal.com/users/break_and_fall/2440.html?view=5512#t5512 http://www.livejournal.com/users/fourgetmenot/30688.html?view=70880#t70880 *Pictures*
im the one on the right.
im the one on the left.
Please post at least 3 pictures of yourself. As long as you are in at least two, they are fine.